Posts from ethanedwards in thread „Your Help Needed!“

    Hi Chester, Mrs.,

    I agree, a little forum of links to 'friendly'
    sites would be helpful.

    Here in the UK, is a fine example, of a friendly site,
    our very own,

    The John Wayne Film Society

    I have been a member of this Society, almost from the beginning,
    and have enjoyed their bi-annual, newsletters.

    Patrick and David Cutts, two brothers, own and run this site,
    and they are both, very helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly.
    Memorabilia, movies, etc can be purchased from here, with confidence.
    I have been in contact with them, for many years.

    Only last week, I spoke to Patrick, for a great length of time,
    and I suggested, that they put a link, on their site,
    to this our, very own message board.

    I think this interaction, can only be helpful,
    and grow memberships,of both sites,
    to the benefit of us all

    Here is the link

    John Wayne Film Society

    Hi Chester, Mrs,
    I second that.
    Last year, I spent a lot of time trawling though this site, and it is
    full of fascinating information about the old stars.
    I particularly like this site, as it concentrates,
    on the 'B' stars as well.
    The coverage of all our old boyhood TV favourites,
    is second to none, and I too,
    highly recommend a visit,