Posts from chester7777 in thread „The Sons of Katie Elder (1965)“

    Thought anyone not having access to the film might like to watch it here. Chester :newyear:

    Watch the Full Movie, open to full screen by clicking on the YouTube logo, then the full screen link.

    The Sons of Katie Elder (1965)



    I watched the Sons of Katie Elder again.

    Pilar states in her book you can hear Ethan's scream in it when Duke hits the water. I can't hear it, but I haven't used headphones yet either. Have any of you heard the scream?

    I have also heard that story, and tried hard to hear it myself, even turning the volume up real loud, and I have never heard it. I wonder if somehow they were able to remove that sound when the movie was transferred to VHS and now to DVD.

    I'm also curious about the scream. I'll watch it soon again and I if I hear the scream I'll post it.

    I've watched this film loads of times and i've never heard the scream JohnChisum but i'll watch it again and pay closer attention to see if i can hear anything

    According to IMDB the scream can be heard.

    Cannot remember If I ever heard a scream. Maybe they really cut it out of the DVD releases.

    OK, we watched this movie last night, and we HEARD him yell out "Dad" or maybe even "Daddy"! After the brothers drag Duke in, Ethan doesn't yell out right away, it's when he [Duke] starts to roll onto his front that you can hear it. We played it back about three times, and you really can hear it, IF you are listening for it.

    Let us know if YOU hear it now . . .

    Chester :newyear:

    I watched the Sons of Katie Elder again.

    Pilar states in her book you can hear Ethan's scream in it when Duke hits the water. I can't hear it, but I haven't used headphones yet either. Have any of you heard the scream?

    I have also heard that story, and tried hard to hear it myself, even turning the volume up real loud, and I have never heard it. I wonder if somehow they were able to remove that sound when the movie was transferred to VHS and now to DVD.

    Like ShortGrub asked, is there anyone here who has heard it?

    Chester :newyear:

    Not to mention that many children(and mothers)died during childbirth.It is never said that Katie Elder only gave birth to her 4 boys.For all we know she might have had more children and they might have died at an earlie age.

    Here's another slant - it never says she gave birth to all of her boys. As you so rightly point out, many mothers died in childbirth, leaving motherless children. Katie might have been step-mother to one or more of the older brothers, which might also explain the age gap.

    Mrs. C :angel1:


    Originally posted by sun526@Oct 11 2006, 07:52 AM
    It wasn't unusual for people in rural America to have rather large families and at a vast age span....


    . . . and in not so rural America, there are still some families - ours, for example - that have more than the typical 2.5 children. We have six, and the age distance from the oldest to the youngest is 18 years (our oldest is 26 years old and the youngest is 8). In today's society, six kids is probably equivalent to the 18 of your dad's generation. You should see the looks on people's faces when we say we have six kids. :fear2:

    Today, the age range is not necessarily unusual, but that is because of so many second marriages, and second sets of kids. In our case, however, all six are ours.

    Chester :newyear:


    Originally posted by ethanedwards@Jan 20 2006, 02:35 PM


    The music from this movie is exceptional and, for me at least, quite memorable.

    Another piece of trivia - Martha Hyer, who played the part of Mary Gordon, has another link to John Wayne in that she has writing credits for the movie Rooster Cogburn.

    This film is available from Deep Discount; Amazon also carries it, in various formats.

    Chester :newyear:


    Originally posted by Senta - Jan 10 2006, 09:10 PM
    And also I think that this movie must be dear to any mothers heart.

    Right you are, my dear!

    This mother's heart is fond of The Sons of Katie Elder, and I absolutely adore the music from it!


    As it was Katie must have been fertile for 35 years to have sons with such a large age span.

    Regarding the age difference between John and Bud - I realize that in real life, the actors were 36 years apart, but for the story line, they could have been 20-25 years apart. My oldest child and youngest child are 18 years apart. Is there any script reference that would indicate the age difference between the characters? It's been quite awhile since we've seen the movie, so I don't remember.

    Maybe we'll have to watch it again :lol: !

    Mrs. C :angel1: