Posts from SXViper in thread „New Harris Poll...Duke's Moving Up!“

    Denzel has made some stinkers lately. Not that he isn't a good actor, I just think it doesn't make sense he is number 1. Heck, I am not a huge Depp fan but I can see him being number 1 just because of the Pirate movies.

    Great the fans of Duke and wait till we get closer to his 100 b-day. I bet there will be some kind of announcement about it and it may bolster his standings next year.

    Not a huge fan of Johnny Depp, even though his performance in Pirates of the Carribean was great fun. He has a fascination with ripping on the US, and not in a contructive way. Tom Hanks I will still hold out total judgement on him as I enjoy allot of his films.