Posts from Lt. Brannigan in thread „Cahill: United States Marshal (1973)“

    This is actually Duke's ode to parenthood and most likely how he himself feels regarding his own supposed inadequacies as a parent and not being there for his children. Cahill, is a heartfelt look into Duke's views at parenting. Heck depending on how you look at it, it could be a slightly fictionalized take on his life as a parent.


    This movie was way better then I remembered and I loved this film! Elmer Bernstein's score really captured the mood of the film and it is one I wish I had on CD, and his theme here was very different from what he had done prior.

    Clay O'Brien was fun to watch as he interacted with Duke, it's quite obvious that Duke loved small children and his scenes with Clay are among the best in the movie. Whenever Duke is in a scene with Clay he's got a twinkle in his eye.

    Gary Grimes was kinda lightweight though, I never really felt that he was indeed hurt by his Father's absence like Clay was. Other than the fact that he was kind of washed out on screen by both Duke and George Kennedy and even little Clay, I have no other complaints.

    The Opening scene remains my all time favorite for a John Wayne movie. You can totally believe that he could indeed make a 5 to 1 fight even.

    Neville Brand he should have made another movie with Duke, you can honestly feel the friendship these two men have for each other and the respect is almost tangible. When Lightfoot dies you can literally feel the hatred Duke is showing on screen and his unexpressed desire for revenge.

    One of the things that I picked up on this viewing was the fact in watching his face you know he knows more than he lets on about his children's role in the bank robbery. And you can plainly tell he's deeply hurt by that fact.

    This movie is a dang good example of Duke's acting prowess it proves that he was always overlooked and underrated when it came to his skills as in actor. I feel that he honestly deserved an award for this film.

    I knew for the longest time that Dobe was in this movie but I never could find him until last night when it hit like a haymaker from the Duke. He's the first officer that Duke meets on his way to the jail. And in terms of stupidity... I can't believe that I never found Paul Fix till last night.

    I found Chuck Roberson easily enough... but those others were always hard for me to spot.

    Marie Windsor looked stunning for a woman her age...