Posts from lenrehn in thread „The Quiet Man (1952)“

    You told that Herbert J. Yates had zero interest in The Quiet Man but so is it not when he was trying to destroy his own agreement with John Ford about two movies for Republic. TQM was a movie Yates hat like poison.

    The Republic of Ireland was only two year’s old in that time The Quiet Man been recorded so all about politics was very sensitive. Some people have told that was John Ford who was afraid for that politics and other say that was Yates. Other told that John Ford not was afraid for anything.

    John Ford got his dramatic scene so he was very happy. But I haven’t could find anything about John Wayne’s feelings about Maureen O’Hara’s cracked bone. We can only guess about John Wayne’s feelings in that scene, but we know he was a really Gentleman, so I think he not was happy for her brooked bone in her wrist. That was a big happy for her when it happen in US and not here in Europe.

    Andrew McLaglen asked John Ford to clean up that field from all sheep dip but John Ford was saying no. That scene there John Wayne dragged and kicked Maureen O’Hara in her ass been a scene the Irish people hated when they got a feeling of that was they John Wayne dragged on the dirty ground. Maureen O’Hara told that she got a feeling about that was a deep revenge from John Ford after they had shot the scenes on the Inisfree Race in Connemara.

    Hi again. Here is a new quote from the same Larry King Live.
    KING: There's a story that you broke your wrist hitting Wayne in "The Quiet Man?"
    O'HARA: Yes. Yes, I did.
    KING: How did that happen? I thought in hitting scenes you're not supposed to strike.
    O'HARA: No.
    KING: Aren't you supposed to miss?
    O'HARA: No. Yes, there are times when you have to, and they have you hit on the upstage side.
    But if you look at the film, at that time I was mad at Duke and I was really going to sock him...
    KING: Mad at him off stage?
    O'HARA: Off stage. OK. Accepted.
    I hauled off to hit him and he, being fine stocked man and a boxer and everything else, he saw it coming. And if you look at the film, you'll see that as I came, he put his hand up and my hand snapped off of his because his hand was much stronger than mine.
    And I was taken immediately to the local hospital near Republic Studios and I had cracked a bone in my wrist.
    You must remember that John Wayne kicked Maureen O’Hara’s ass in that field.


    A wonderful strong scene is there Michaeleen sitting whit White O’Morn and been asked for saddle up Sean’s horse and he say. Saddle his horse? I´ll have no part in helping you to put more shame on her. Saddle his horse... Dam da dam da, diddle de da...

    <H1 style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">I will give you a short quote from the CNN Larry King Live 2 Interview with Maureen O'Hara Aired January 2, 2003.

    KING: I want to talk about John Wayne. We understand you're going to tell us something that you didn't tell us last time about what you whispered to him.
    O'HARA: Oh, not on your life.
    KING: You're not going to tell it now.
    O'HARA: No. Never, never, never.
    KING: Last scene of "The Quiet Man" Maureen's character whispers something in the ear of John Wayne's character. Whatever she said apparently shocked Wayne because his head jerked back and his eyes grows wide with disbelief. Wayne never told anyone what she said and John Ford the director never did either.
    O'HARA: That was the deal. When John Ford said you are to say so and so To Wayne, I said, what? Me? No way. And he said, you're being ordered to do it. You do it. And I realized it was nothing I could do. When you try to battle with John Ford, you have to give in. And I said, well there's one stipulation. That you will never tell anybody what it is that you demanded that I say. And, John Wayne will never tell. And the three of us made the deal.
    KING: So it was to what you are. One can imagine it was sexual or cursing or both?
    O'HARA: Little bit of both.



    The story in The Quiet Man is happen some of the first year after the Black and Tan War in Ireland, who ended in 1920 – 1921. So the movies story can be in 1922 – 1923, some people are telling that year was 1923.

    Bryan Varnam and I are waiting on interior photographs from the bar by a member in The Quiet Man Movie Club but I don’t know when or if we will get them yet.

    Hi all The Quiet Man Maniac’s.
    I like to give you a quote from The Quiet Man Movie Club.
    The restoration of Pat Cohan is now nearing completion and visitors to Cong village will soon be able to stop in a have a ”pint of the black beer” just like Sean Thornton and Will Danaher did at the end of their epic fight.
    The official opening date will be 17th September 2008.
    You may have more information on

    Hi all
    I got an answer from him but that is not straight line word by word when I think he is an Protestant when that is the Catholic people who is talking Gaelic (Irish).
    Hi Len, what Mary Kate is telling Father Lonergan, is that since the wedding, Sean has been sleeping in a sleeping bag and not in their wedding bed. Which in Ireland back in those days was a mortal sin and a poor reflection of the wife's attractions. I'm sure you remember the scene the morning after the wedding when Hugh Forbes and friends come to the cottage with her furniture and she tells Sean` Don't be shaming me in front of your friends`… Noel.

    Hi all
    I can’t tell you what Mary Kate Danaher are telling to Father Lonergan with the stream but both Bryan Varnam and I are members in The Quiet Man Movie Club and there is an member who is living in Ireland and maybe he can Gaelic so I put in a question about that in the club and maybe I will have an answer from him. You can go to Bryan’s home site if you like there you can buy his painting The Whisper.

    Hi all here is a story about the Holy Water scene by The foootsteps of TQM.

    Among Lord Killanin’s many anecdotes is one of the holy water scene:

    We used the interior of the Catholic church in Cong, with its magnificent Harry Clarke stained-glass window, preserved to this day in the reconstructed church, and the exterior of the Church of Ireland just a few hundred yards away at the exit gates from Ashford Castle. Jack Ford was keen to capture Clarke’s work in the movie – even though he had to slow down the camera, which made Duke Wayne’s walk a little stranger than usual as he came down the aisle. [Clarke, a Dublin artist born a hundred years ago of an English father and Irish mother, is now recognised internationally as a bizarre genius of his age.]
    Using the Protestant church led to trouble for Jack and I. The holy water font was taken from outside the Catholic church and placed at the door of the Church of Ireland for the patty-fingers scene. Well, it was left there by mistake and the following Sunday when the Protestants turned up they objected strongly to the minister, who had given permission for filming, over what they reckoned to be a Parish intrusion. Jack and I were then asked to go and see the minister who had been paid for the use of his facilities but had now been reported to his bishop by an angry flock. So we went to see if we could placate the bishop, who happened to be my father-in-law’s bishop and didn’t like us in any case. He never even asked us to sit down and Jack was hopping mad. The bishop wanted us to delete the scene so we explained that it cost about £10,000 a day and this was four or five days work. Needless to say, we kept the scene very much in. On reflection it’s quiet comical when you think about the precarious situation of the minister in the film. Mr Playfair, trying to impress his bishop that the parish should stay open, and the fact he has to depend on the Catholics ‘cheering like Protestant to help save his job.

    Hi all!
    I will give you some information about those two Churches we can see in The Quiet Man. After 2003 are they both named as St. Mary Church one Catholic and one Protestant.