Posts from lenrehn in thread „The Quiet Man (1952)“

    Hi All
    What can i say about that Mildred Natwick should have been a scene thief? She made a great performer like all actors did in The Quiet Man. But in this picture was only one person known as a great scene thief and that was Barry Fitzgerald. Look on him in Going My Way

    Here comes a short quote from CNN Larry King Live 2, an interview with Maureen O'Hara. Aired January 2, 2003 - 21:00 ET. That is not a really answer about what she was whispering to Wayne but that is maybe so close you may come.

    KING: Tell me about these commentaries you've been doing for some DVD editions of films. They release a DVD and you appear on it to talk about it, John Wayne kind of movies?
    O'HARA: Yes. There's one on "Rio Grande," which was the movie we did to raise the money to make "The Quiet Man," because we couldn't get finance. I think I have told you this before. And also on "The Quiet Man." So there's two DVDs out now. They're pretty good.
    KING: I want to talk about John Wayne. We understand you're going to tell us something that you didn't tell us last time about what you whispered to him.
    O'HARA: Oh, not on your life.
    KING: You're not going to tell it now.
    O'HARA: No. Never, never, never.
    KING: Last scene of "The Quiet Man" Maureen's character whispers something in the ear of John Wayne's character. Whatever she said apparently shocked Wayne because his head jerked back and his eyes grows wide with disbelief. Wayne never told anyone what she said and John Ford the director never did either.
    O'HARA: That was the deal. When John Ford said you are to say so and so To Wayne, I said, what? Me? No way. And he said, you're being ordered to do it. You do it. And I realized it was nothing I could do. When you try to battle with John Ford, you have to give in. And I said, well there's one stipulation. That you will never tell anybody what it is that you demanded that I say. And, John Wayne will never tell. And the three of us made the deal.
    KING: So it was (UNINTELLIGIBLE) to what you are. One can imagine it was sexual or cursing or both?
    O'HARA: Little bit of both.
    KING: And Wayne did not know you were going to say it?
    O'HARA: No. Didn't you see the look on his face when he turns around.
    KING: That's one of the most famous endings of movies ever, right. So that must have been the question asked of you. That movie was such a big hit.
    O'HARA: Everybody asks me. Even my lawyer in New York asked me the day before yesterday. I said I'm tired telling you, never. Duke is dead.
    KING: Was it nervous for you to say it?
    O'HARA: It was awful. I hated it.
    KING: Did you only have to say it once?
    O'HARA: Only once. Not twice. Well, you wouldn't get the reaction.


    Arthur, if you like to go to Quiet Man County so will it be west Ireland in County Mayo and County Galway. That small village Cong is in south County Maya.
    Len :hyper:

    Here can you read a short quote from “In the Footstep of The Quiet Man” by Gerry McNee about that production cost in Ireland.

    Herbert Yates had agreed a budget of $1,7 million for The Quiet Man but very quickly returned to his old ways, complaining about the script and the casting. Ford, who had worked with the top studios, was becoming more and more exasperated and John Wayne was growing unhappy in the knowledge he had got his friend and mentor involved with someone like Yates.
    During pre-production in Hollywood, Yates threw another spanner in the works by summoning Wayne to his office and telling him the film would damage his career. He told Wayne he wanted nothing to do with it and would not be responsible for the consequences. He insisted it was the wrong type of movie for Wayne, even though he knew the part had been specially written with the actor in mind. Yates, who had made part of his fortune from the button industry, tobacco trade and some shrewd dealing on Wall Street passing day his paranoia grew and he convinced himself that Ford had sold him what he constantly referred to as “a phoney arthouse movie.” The drama heightened considerably when Yates, who had sweated over an injection of $1,5 million into Rio Grande, became apoplectic about his latest outlay and went back on his word to Ford. He demanded the budget be trimmed but the director had already cut it to near enough the bone. This prompted the following telegram from Ford to Wayne, who was having his first holiday in years: “After much fuss and feathers, much wrangling, fist-fights and harsh words, the budget is set excepting, of course, for your salary, which you will have to take up when you get back. I’m a nervous wreck.”
    But his cherished film was still in danger and Ford turned to his friend Wayne who, after years of battling with Yates, had succeeded in getting a percentage of Republic box-office profits, and asked him to settle a flat fee. Maureen O’Hara recalled: “John Ford asked John Wayne and me to take a cut and because we had all waited for so long and so badly wanted to make the movie, we agreed. John Wayne accepted $100,000 and I got $65,000. I even took down the script in shorthand and typed it as it meant so much to me.”

    The June 6 1952 was that a Gala Premiere on Adelphi Theatre in Dublin. The movie they show for their audience was just one of the world’s most disused movies and today is that 65 years back in the time. I will reply Father Peter Lonergan. Hip, hip, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray for Ms O’Hara and the movie

    Hi Lt. Brannigan.
    For me and many others is The Quiet Man a spectacular piece in every way, the cinematography, the score, the acting, the script, the scenery and directing. You are telling us that Pappy wasn't really a good person though, but don’t forget that nearly all actors loved him and could nearly do anything like go through fire and water for him, like The Duke, Ward Bond, Ms O’Hara, Victor McLaglen, Barry Fitzgerald and his brother Arthur Shields. For me and I hope some more is The Quiet Man the best movie ever made and I love that movie and have translated every scene and line to my language. I have not 106 John Wayne movies but there is something over 65 movies.

    You make me curious so I most check it up in the Quiet Man transcript and here is the lines from the first bar scene.
    - Sean Thornton, the men of Inisfree bid you welcome home.
    - Thank you.
    - “And the men of Inisfree bid you welcome home.” What’s wrong with that little speech?
    - Oh, you’d be knowing what.
    - I’m a man from Inisfree, and the best man. And I bid no welcome to a man fool enough to pay 1000 pounds for a bit of land that isn’t worth 200!

    And this is what Widow Tillane and Mrs Playfair is saying in that window scene and that is a reference to that first scene.
    - I hope that Thornton beats him senseless.
    - He’s a married man, Sarah.
    - Who cares about him? It’s that big bully concerns me. “I'm the best man in Inisfree”. As if I didn’t know that.

    T-bone I been sorry for your feelings, you shall not feel you dumb for your question. That could have been some new information about your questions and I can tell you all horses in TQM was owned and trained by a man named John Daly and the raise was just that Connemara Pony’s I told about earlier. So there is little more information. But the book have I not some new information about when Maureen O’Hara Magazine Forum have been closed down in February and The Quiet Man Movie Club have been occupied by pornography and we can’t use that more.

    Hi Arthur.
    I should like to came with the rest of the Pat Cohan Bar story. So here came more quotes from The Complete Guide to The Quiet Man by Des MacHale. Even this story is a wonderful reading for a TQM Maniac’s like me and Bryan Varnam.
    As Sean Thornton and Michaeleen Oge Flynn enter Innisfree to the tune of The Kerry Dances there are many pairs of curious eyes anxious to identify the newly arrived stranger. Here we see one of the many breaks in continuity in The Quiet Man necessitated by Ford’s trimming the footage right down to the bone to satisfy Herb Yates’ demand. In the original screenplay there is a longish contribution at this stage from the narrator Father Lonergan (Ward Bond), which we quote for interest’s sake.
    “And so Sean Thornton came home to Inisfree, a peaceful little village, drowsing under the sun, with nothing to disturb its quaint serenity. The old houses, the cobbled streets, the friendly faces, it was all as he had dreamed it. In the square is the centuries-old Celtic cross which has stood unchanged through wars and rebellions, and across from it a well-known hostelry – The Sarsfield Arms, owned and managed by Pat Cohan”.
    Michaeleen, pipe in hand, now say to Sean:
    “Over here we pronounce it Co-han!” But he is actually answering the narrator in the previous intended version. Michaeleen has reached his promised land too – the bar – and he smilingly enters the hostelry. With a grin on his face, Sean follows him.


    Hi Arthur, I can also tell that first pint have not been served in the Cohan Bar yet. One man from The Quiet Man Movie Club toke a ride from Dublin to the city of Cong in last autumn and saw that the windows was painted in white color so maybe the bar will be reopened to June 6 who is a saintly date for a TQM Maniac’s as me.



    Hi Arthur. I saw you were written about Pat Cohan Bar for some few year ago. I have some information about that bar. If you look in the film can you see Michaeleen and Sean are going to a door on right side of the store and there was a bar in that building when the movie recording started up in June 6, 1951. I will give one quote from the book The Complete Guide to The Quiet Man.
    The jaunting car now pulls up in the front of The Sarfield Arms, the local inn. This name was intended to play a major role in the movie but is never mentioned in the final cut although the sharp-eyed may be to read the name from the swinging sign over the door in the close-up of Sean Thornton. Perhaps this is just another example of Ford’s pruning all political and nationalistic elements from the movie, because Patrick Sarfield was a legendary Irish patriot whose name would have been well known among Irish-Americans. In the move the inn goes by the name PAT COHAN BAR as the sign over the door indicates.

    The music in The Quiet Man.

    I have always thinking that the music is like important as that story we can see on the screen. So here come short lists about that music I have found out. I hope you will enjoy it.

    Mostly of this have I found in The Complete Guide To The Quiet Man.
    In the first scene with Ashford Castle in the background play the orchestra “The Rakes of Mallow”. In the opening scene on the Ballyglunin railway station is the orchestra playing “Dreams of Alwyn” or “Isle of Innisfree” if you like it better. Margaret Niland tells John Ford had taken one orchestra to the railway station who played it on stage and the train and the music been recorded direct in one scene.

    In St Anselm’s Chapel after 7 o’clock mass plays “Kitty of Coleraine” which was a protestant hymn who probability not should be played in a catholic church.

    In the Inisfree Cup plays Scottish bagpipes “The Wearing of the Green”, “The Rakes of Mallow”, “Garryowen”, ”Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms”, by Thomas Moore, ”The Kerry Dances” and “Kitty of Coleraine”. That song as start the race was with a horn blowing called “The Race” by Victor Young.

    That was in all three lead motives in the movie, “Isle of Innisfree”, “Wild Colonial Boy” and “The Kerry Dances”.

    On harp plays “Isle of Innisfree” and “The Kerry Dances”.

    Rest of the song title in “The Quiet Man” is; ”Dreams of Alwyn” by Mr Nobody or ”Isle Of Innisfree”, ”The Wild Colonial Boy”, ”Galway Bay”, ”Humour Is On Me Now”, ”I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen”, ”The Young May Moon”, ”Mush, Mush, Mush Tural-I-Addy”, plus all special composed melodies by Victor Young.

    That only who are named as Danny Boy in this film is that horses Victor McLaglen are riding on in the race scene.

    Widow Tillane’s house was named as “Strandhill House” and was owned by the Elwood family before that was purchase and pulled down by the Guinness family. To day is it a parking place to Ashford Castle Golf Club. If I remain it right so is Ms O’Hara a member in that club. I hope I do it.

    I hope TBone can have some help of these lines. Here is that lines Father Paul Lonergan are reading with Dan Tobin’s deathbed. I guess you can’t find that lines in a Bible or a Pray book. If someone can find a book with those lines so would that be wonderful news for all of us TQM Maniacs.

    “...hands of a hundred battles, eye on a thousand besides...”
    “...stood alone on the victorious field, his buckler bent...”
    “...his broken sword clutched in his mighty hand...”
    “...the blood of a thousand wounds oozing from his open veins...”