Posts from CoriSCapnSkip in thread „The Quiet Man (1952)“

    Too bad the cottage wasn't declared a protected structure years ago! Some sources made out the California owner to be the bad guy, he made out locals to be the problem, but I'm sure neither the owner nor the locals would have approved of people taking stones as souvenirs! If everyone who took a stone mailed it back, could they even figure where each stone went? Is enough of the structure even left for a restoration?

    Quiet Man Cottage Official Website

    John Ford got his dramatic scene so he was very happy. But I haven’t could find anything about John Wayne’s feelings about Maureen O’Hara’s cracked bone. We can only guess about John Wayne’s feelings in that scene, but we know he was a really Gentleman, so I think he not was happy for her brooked bone in her wrist. That was a big happy for her when it happen in US and not here in Europe.

    I posted this some pages back, about nine years ago, but it's on the DVD commentary. Maureen said Duke apologized immediately afterwards for blocking her hand with his. Her hand was supposed to strike his face but he knew she was swinging so hard the blow would have broken his jaw. He asked to see her hand knowing hitting that hard would hurt. She had it wrapped in her skirt or apron and by the time he saw it the fingers were swollen like sausages. Ever since learning this it hurts to watch this scene, but it's good to know that though in roughhousing he may have accidentally hurt her, he was genuinely concerned when he knew he really had hurt her.

    In Professor Des MacHale’s fantastic book “The Complete Guide To The Quiet Man” could you read this about Father Paul’s reading from a book.
    “We now switch to the interior of Dan Tobin’s cottage which is a studio scene. The gaffer himself is meant to be a deathbed, slowly expiring, though from the frontal camera angle he looks pretty healthy. By his bedside Father Paul is reading, not from the prayers for the dying as was originally intended but from a bloodthirsty Celtic saga. In the little bedroom are several shawled crying quietly and in particular there is Dan Tobin’s daughter played by Mimi Doyle.

    Is this from any real book? The only place I can find it is in a readable version of The Quiet Man.

    "And of a hundred battles, aye, and a thousand besides, stood alone on the victorious field, his buckler bent, his broken sword clutched in his mighty hand. The blood of a thousand wounds, oozing from his open veins, dripped on the bodies of the slain."

    Take it from someone who has viewed The Quiet Man 50 times, (at least...more or less...) the latest being this evening on TCM. There is NO scene in which John Wayne's character, Sean, hits Maureen O'Hara's character, Mary Kate, with any stick of any size or kind whatsoever. There are two scenes in which he is handed a stick to beat her. Up until quite recent times (maybe still) it was legal in Ireland for a man to beat his wife with a stick as long as the stick/switch/cane was no bigger around than his thumb. The first time Sean is handed a stick, it is by Mary Kate herself, to demonstrate her contrition after she angrily drove home from town in the cart and left him to walk. The base of the stick appeared larger than a man's thumb (after 50 or so viewings one gets to thinking about such things), while the ends were maybe around the size of a man's thumb, but there were two of them (forked stick). Sean touches the stick to Mary Kate's flank (to show audience members unfamiliar with the custom the purpose of the stick) and then tosses it in the fire. The second time, when Sean was dragging Mary Kate home from the train, the lady from the railroad station, (the only female in the crowd, at least the only one to speak, and so should have been on Mary Kate's side,) after kindly helping a man return Mary Kate's shoe, turns traitor and offers him "a good stick to beat the lovely lady." Again, this is not a straight stick but a forked one equipped to damage several places at once. Sean politely accepts the stick with, "Thanks," and doesn't discard it right away, but neither does he strike her with it.

    The other physical "violence" from Sean is a swat on Mary Kate's behind just before they take the cart into town, perhaps ad libbed by Duke or directed by Ford without informing O'Hara, who looked shocked, and then gave a breathless little laugh so as not to ruin the take. She later said that Duke can't have known his own strength and how much the blow actually hurt. In the scene on the way home from the train, Mary Kate swings at Sean ineffectually and he turns and kicks her rear end. This was choreography carefully worked out between the actors which the director pretended to admire as wonderful improvisation. Those and a few times of Sean picking up Mary Kate bodily are the only instances which could be interpreted as violence. When he threw her it was on a bed and not anything hard and I believe that was the only time he even raised his voice anywhere in the film, other than jovially (very well thought out for a movie titled The Quiet Man--notice that even in his confrontations with Red Will his voice is quite low and measured and manages to convey serious menace and determination). The subtext here I think is that Mary Kate was "a fine healthy girl" who gave as good as she got and Sean didn't have to worry about her being a shrinking violet who would fade away on him. They would likely produce healthy and spirited children.

    The story in The Quiet Man is happen some of the first year after the Black and Tan War in Ireland, who ended in 1920 – 1921. So the movies story can be in 1922 – 1923, some people are telling that year was 1923.

    Okay, I had no idea the movie was set that far back. I thought people were just dressing 30 years out of date to give it a quaint look. Perhaps those hayburning contraptions were no longer in use by the '50s, so that scene, which was original to the story, would not have worked?

    Couple thoughts: I noticed the photographic equipment used to take the wedding portrait was antiquated, probably even for the 1920s, but just figured it was a poor country where not everything was state of the art. How about the boxing match scene? Anyone know the vintage of the cameras?

    Also, when Sean reads that the Reverend Mr. Playfair was a boxer in "nineteen hundred and--" I always assumed it could be up to 40 years earlier, but if it takes place in the early 1920s could not be more than just slightly over 20 years previously at most.

    Kewl, here's the story!

    Fight scene's a lot shorter, ain't it?

    John Ford got his dramatic scene so he was very happy. But I haven’t could find anything about John Wayne’s feelings about Maureen O’Hara’s cracked bone. We can only guess about John Wayne’s feelings in that scene, but we know he was a really Gentleman, so I think he not was happy for her brooked bone in her wrist. That was a big happy for her when it happen in US and not here in Europe.

    It was a couple of fingers, not a wrist, and she said on the DVD narration that he asked her how she was right after it happened--he knew she must have been hurt.

    Yes it is. The man (in America) that owns it. Wants to restore it so people can sleep in the Cottage. I don't know if it ever happened.

    Apparently nothing has been done since a fire in 2002! The roof was destroyed and the building is coming apart, to the point that individual stones have been carried off as souvenirs! Why didn't the owner have, and use, insurance to restore and preserve the building? For that matter, didn't a family live in it at the time of the film, and what became of them?

    I agree. I saw the film Thursday evening (first time ever in a theater!) and both times when water is thrown on him he says, "Thanks" through clenched teeth so his lips don't move much. When liquor is thrown on him he says, "Bar towel."

    Still waiting to learn the top three John Wayne movies!

    There is one funny anecdote concerning my online search regarding "The Quiet Man." No matter how many times we saw the film, there was one line my mom and I could never make out. When Michaleen Oge Flynn runs out of the pub on hearing of the fight, he says, "One if by land, two if by sea, and if it's ta Danaher's I'll fire the lot," then I could make out, "horse, foot, and" (my mom was lost by that point) then something neither of us could understand.

    Thanks to the internet, I was able to learn the name of the institution which keeps John Ford's papers and asked them to look in the script. They returned that the line is, "One if by land, two if by sea, and if it's ta Danaher's I'll fire the lot, horse, foot, and artillery." I kind of expected Maureen O'Hara might mention it in the DVD commentary, as other lines that no one can understand, such as "The Flintstones"'s "through the courtesy of Fred's two feet" and "All in the Family"'s "Gee, our old LaSalle ran great" were legendary (so much so that "All in the Family" re-recorded the theme song) but she didn't. I wonder if we were the only ones bothered by not understanding this line? Maybe it's a common expression and everyone else was able to guess it.

    When I brought up the garbled line on the Maureen O'Hara board it was mentioned that Barry Fitzgerald had run into some problems concerning his accent, having to do retakes, no doubt so "the Yanks" could understand.

    The moderator at Maureen O'Hara's site ran the dialogue question by her and called the expression "Typical IRA talk." She mentions having a shooting script which doesn't even have that line in it.

    The question about "The Quiet Man" dialogue which comes up the most frequently concerns the Gaelic lyrics at the end of Maureen's song as she sits at the piano--"I'll rest awhile beside you grad mo croide" (grah ma cree)--which means "Love of my heart." Maureen O'Hara did cover this and some of the other Irish dialogue in the DVD commentary.

    I hesitate to say the Ray Bradbury Mystery aspect of this is completely "solved," but it's been considerably "enlightened" by a close and vital source!

    A phone conversation between this individual and Ray Bradbury reveals "this was just a compilation of fictions.

    "(Bradbury) was trying to remember what Deanna Durbin movie he might have been thinking of, but hasn’t come up with anything yet. As for the song, he’s aware that Deanna Durbin didn’t sing it, but liked the song and title and incorporated it into the story."

    I said if the recording didn't exist, I'd be very interested as to what was used instead when the play "The Anthem Sprinters" was performed. I also asked, since there is one song titled "Isle of Innisfree" by Richard Farrelly, and another, (The) "Lake Isle of Innisfree" by William Butler Yeats, but no "Lovely Isle of Innisfree" that I've been able to find, which one he was thinking of.

    The source replies: "(Bradbury) can’t remember what they used in the play and neither can I. As for the song itself, he just said that that title popped into his head, so he used it. I hope all is well."

    To which I replied: "Fine; I didn't have a bet riding on it or anything." (Unlike most of the characters in "The Quiet Man.")

    It seems I was also less than 100% correct in believing Deanna Durbin to have become an utter recluse. It seems she did some voice work in a film in 1999:;ft=29;fm=1

    Perhaps Bradbury should compose a song titled "The Lovely Isle of Innisfree" and Deanna Durbin should record it!

    Oh, okay, good. -_-

    After John Wayne's wife wrote that the four people who actually died of cancer after being at that location--John Wayne, Agnes Moorehead, and two others whose names I forget--were all heavy smokers, some of them with a three or four pack a day habit, I just accepted that as the cause. In the DVD commentary on "The Quiet Man," though, Maureen O'Hara said "a number of us who worked there got cancer" including herself, and her website says she NEVER smoked cigarettes. Advertised the product, but never used it. And, despite her reference to the Utah location, she did cite smoking as the cause of Duke's death.

    What are the other two movie favorites of his in the top three?

    Someone on the Maureen O'Hara board claims the tune was folk music in the public domain at the time both Richard Farrelly and John Ford used it. If I can induce her to share her findings on the Ray Bradbury board, all the information will be accessible in the thread referenced above. Richard Farrelly does still deserve credit for having written the version of the song which called the tune to John Ford's attention.

    "The Quiet Man" is by far my mother's alltime favorite movie and I was raised on it. My fascination with this cinematic masterpiece has been renewed by recently acquiring the 50th anniversary DVD with Maureen O'Hara's excellent commentary.

    Having just watched much of the film the other day, not to mention countless times earlier, I'll put in my 2¢ as to any spanking/beating which occurs: after they're married (and she won't let him in the bedroom) he throws her on the bed and breaks it. In a scene taking place shortly afterwards, he tells her to get ready to go to town. When she turns her back, he whops her good across the butt, with what might be considered quite a hard blow by many women but a "love tap" to a man. She takes it as a "love tap" and smiles. After he returns home following their big (verbal) fight during this trip to town, she hands him a stick to beat her, which he flings into the fire. During the dragging scene, he does, indeed, kick her in the butt (they carefully choreographed this beforehand,) and a lady hands him "a good stout stick to beat the lovely lady," which he looks at, carries for awhile, then throws away. At NO TIME does he EVER strike her with a stick or in any prolonged manner! During the commentary, Maureen O'Hara replied to the line, "Have the good manners not to strike him until he's your husband, and entitled to hit you back," by saying there's no law in Ireland entitling a man to hit his wife. I was very surprised because I was sure there was a law on the books at least as late as the 1970s entitling a man to beat a woman as long as 1) they were married, 2) he strike her with bare hands or a stick no thicker around than his thumb, and 3) that he not draw blood--bruises and broken bones perfectly okay! But perhaps this law was in England, not Ireland? Anyone know?

    It was interesting to learn how many people falsely claimed contribution to or involvement with the film. Some research I did on a Ray Bradbury short story has revealed much information on an individual who made an invaluable contribution to the film which has gone entirely uncredited. The facts, including links, can be found here:

    This thread contains links to both a picture of the ruins of the original "White O'Morn" and the site of the Quiet Man Cottage Museum, an as near as possible exact replica of that cottage nearby.

    To a museum housing "Quiet Man" information, such things should prove of great interest. I sent them this information and very much hope it ends up in the hands of someone compiling information on the film's history.