Posts from Tbone in thread „The Quiet Man (1952)“


    You might check out this web site.

    I think now they only limit themselves sweater making. I have to tell you though, my son was over in the Old Country a few years ago and bought me one of those sweaters for Christmas. It is wonderful! He had a big time talking with the folks there about The Quiet Man as it's one of our family's favorite movies.

    If you want a fine Irish hat though, check out these folks.

    They make a quality hat.


    You know when Maureen took that swing at Duke, she was mad because of what happened in the sceen where he drags her through the field with the sheep dip.

    Duke saw the swing coming at a better clip than he knew it should have so ohe put his hand up to block it and Maureen broke her hand.

    I've tried to slow the end of the movie down to try to read her lips but haven't been able to tell what she said.

    I can guess, but then can't we all.


    It is without a doubt the finest piece of film art ever created by mankind and will never be eclipsed in its cinematic historical significance.

    In case you haven’t guessed, I’m a big fan of the film myself. :holiday_irish:

    That's right Mark. That is the primary scene I'm interested in. There are other Irish quips throughout the movie too. For example, I think Barry Fitzgerald is using an Irish term for matchmaker in the scene with Mary Kate where he comes to talk with her about the match making and is a bit tipsy. But I'm not sure what he's saying there.

    As to what Maureen said to Duke, I have to admit I've even slowed the movie down and expanded the image and I still can't tell what she said. Unless someone is really good at reading lips from the side, I don't think we'll ever know what exactly was said, but based on Duke's reaction and Maureen's acknowledgement, we can probably imagine pretty well.


    I was thinking about my favorite movie last night and wondering if anyone ever came up with a translation for the Gaelic dialogue in the movie.

    I'm particularly interested in the conversation between Mary Kate and Fr. Lonergan.

    Would any of our friends over in Ireland be able to translate it?

    I understand that the inside scene was filmed in the Catholic church but the outside one was at the Protestant church.

    I have to say that it seems to me Ford was reaching a bit with the holy water font being outside. You guys still in the Old Sod correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't imagine a priest putting a holy water font outside for the birds to be able to take their baths in.

    Ah, horses, hay and wagons! There's heaven!

    Seaneen, please forgive me for not first welcoming you to the site! The Quiet Man is my favorite Duke film. Some day I hope to be able to go back to the Old Sod and see if I can find anything of my family.

    Well anyway a belated welcome and enjoy your ride!


    The contraption you ask about is an old fashioned steam tractor. In addition to pulling and plowing, the big wheels on the sides were connected to machines via large belts and used to provide power for operating them. These would be things like bailers and lifts.

    You can't tell from the way it's setup in the scene but it's possible they would have had a hay wagon hooked up to the back of it from bringing in hay. There aren't any belts on the wheels so they wouldn't have been using it to power other machinery.

    Anyway, that's what it is and welcome to the best board on the web!


    Thanks for your response. The only thing that had me wondering about the Connemara Pony is that I notice the horse in the movie has feathers and I haven't seen feathers on the hooves of Connemaras I have seen. I wonder if there would be any way to contact John Daly to find out.

    I was watching my favorite JW film this weekend when a couple of new things came to my mind and I wanted to run them past the members to see if you could answer these questions for me.

    The first is in the scene near the end of the movie. The big fight has just broken out and Father Paul is reading from a book to the old man character played by Francis Ford who seems to be on his death bed.

    Does anyone know what book it is Father Paul is reading from?

    The other question has to do with the horse that pulls the cart that Micheleen Flynn drives in the movie. Any idea as to what type of horse that is?

    Thanks for any help you can provide!

    Have you ever watched a film and wished you could somehow be sucked right into it and just live there a while?

    This is one of the few films I've ever seen that has made me to feel that.