Posts from DukePilgrim in thread „Hellfighters (1969)“

    I would say Hellfighters is marginally better than the other two. The Conqueor is more funny than anything else. Jet Pilot is for the birds and jet engine enthusiasts. Even the trailer wears your patience out!!

    Watched Hellfighters on Thursday. Must have been in good mood as it wasnt as bad as I remembered it the last time. It could have been much better but it did have some good moments and scenes.


    The action scenes on Hellfighters are great but the stories in between do drag it down and could have been improved so much.

    Worth watching for the action scenes but not one of my favourites.

    If we are liked the same type of men/women and cars wouldn't life being boring!

    Even John Wayne admitted that half his films should be buried. The joy is the sheer wealth of material available to the collector and the right to select your likes and dislikes.

    Personally, I quite like The Conquer and can watch and enjoy it as the adventure story it is where as I know a lot of JW fans cringe when the film's name comes up in conversation. Again it is a personal choice and a decision for the viewer.

    Hellfighters is an exciting idea for a movie but it was delivered in such a way as it made for a pretty poor movie. Blame for this as in a lot of movies is poor script. planning and direction. Sometimes this can be corrected whilst the movie is in production some times not. The actors are only delivering the lines given to them
    and most of the film production is beyond their control. All actors make bad movies for a variety of reasons. No one is excempt

    In Tycoon, am sorry it is awful I wouldn't care if was the only technicolor movie in the world that existed I wouldn't want to see it again.

    As the saying goes "one man's meat is another man's poison"

    Nice fires Shame about the rest.

    Funny, Universal 8 issued a 200ft (about 8-9 minutes)super 8 digest of this movie and it actually told all of the story pretty well.

    Tycoon now there is a bad movie :stunned::dead: