Posts from Lt. Brannigan in thread „The Train Robbers (1973)“

    It's beyond me what you all see in this movie! During the day their being chased, or at night their sitting around a campfire watching Ann Margret get Tipsey. Rather watch the Conqueror!

    What I see, is as an immensely enjoyable film from the last part of Duke's career. It has all the right ingredients, even if they aren't mixed quite right, making for one his best of the final ten he made.

    It never for one instant tries to be something that it isn't. It doesn't try to be of the grim and unrelentingly dark world of Peckinpah or midnight cowboy or Easy Rider. Instead this is John Wayne's response to the perverseness that was really beginning to show it's ugly head at the time. It's a throwback to those great and lighthearted films of the 40's and early 50's. It's a nice contrast to what was happening at the time.

    Regarding the faceless threat represented by the guys after the gold, it was meant to represent an natural force more than anything else I think. After all where's there's gold, there is bandits. They were more symbolic than anything else.

    One thing that I refuse to believe is that Rod Taylor is the voice of Pongo from 101 Dalmatians.

    The only thing that still bothers me about this movie is that Montalban seems superfluous. He is really an unnecessary character, who's functions could have been done by the plot.

    The Jack Elam issue is in one of the more recent bios, but John Wayne had no problem with children, I remember a quote that went something like this, "A good story involves a dog, a child and a woman's love" that's what he looked for in his movies, of course if I'm remembering correctly this was a 50's quote.

    EDIT: I found the quote, I was close but it actually goes "I always look for a story with basic emotions: a dog, a kid, a woman's love, a man's love"

    and there is no date attached to it.


    A mediocre Movie and one of them I wished John Wayne hadn't done.:wink:

    I am glad he made it because it's one of his most enjoyable films. And one of my favorites


    I liked Dominic Frontiere's score although it was a bit repetitive.

    I personally thought it was great and wish it was on CD.

    I enjoy this film though while nowhere near his best, it ranks high up there with his most entertaining. I watched this last night and one scene in particular caught my attention and held a lot of meaning for me, the one where he's talking to Ben...

    (Paraphrased obviously)

    and for how it actually played out


    Wayne: "I hate to Tell you this, but whether you like it or not... you're a man and you're stuck with it. You'll find yourself standing your ground, and fighting when you oughta run... speaking out when you oughta keep your mouth shut... doing things that will seem wrong to a lot of people.. but you'll do them all the same."

    So close >_<

    Anyway I have that sound clip should some one want it.