Posts from chester7777 in thread „They Were Expendable (1945)“

    Hey, Jen, good to see you again. I posted a welcome back in another thread, but definitely wanted to post here, as I do remember you asking about the song in one of my favorite films. At the time, I searched high and low for it, to no avail, so I'm glad you found an answer. I listened to the Gene Autry clip and ended up buying the 3-disc set! The money is going to a good cause, it's going to support the Western Heritage Museum down in Los Angeles.

    smokey is taking classes, so isn't here very often, but when she comes back, she'll be happy to see you've returned. CHANCE has been busy dealing with "life issues" recently, so hasn't been around too much, but he'll be back. The Baron . . . I don't know what has happened to him. itdo left due to differences regarding political discussion and how they were moderated ( or not). I also think that he was seeking a higher plane of discussion regarding Duke. He was very knowledgeable from a cinematography perspective, and looking for like minds. We do miss him. He also indicated that his job was keeping him busier.

    Chester :newyear:

    Wow, this is one of my favorite films! I can't believe I haven't commented on it yet.

    As a retired shallow water Navy vet, with 4 years active and 21 years in the reserves, the majority of time was spent working as a Navy diver in and around smaller piers and small boats. The first time I watched this movie was on TV, on the Turner Broadcasting Network. Mr. Turner had made colorized versons of several JW movies, this one among them. While watching this movie in color, I was impressed by the brilliant blue water and tropical green trees and the story itself. I really appreciated the sense of hopelessness that this movie conveyed, as I'm sure many people who were there actually felt that way.

    Chester :newyear: