Posts from Hawkswill in thread „The Comancheros (1961)“

    I see what you mean Alamo, but even if his heels were on it, the way his body is must have still been quite a strain on him. KEITH

    Hard to tell with Whitman-the board appears to have 2 levels, with Duke on the top and Whitman's heals on the lower portion.

    Well, I suppose they could have hung for that short a time. Duke's old football shoulder dislocation should have completely healed many years before. And he didn't hurt his shoulder again until he fell of his horse filming the Undefeated in '69. But, after seeing that picture, certainly looked like they had something to stand on if they needed it. Didn't look like Stuart was using it though. KEITH

    Well, MB, you MAY run into one of him and Duke...who knows...have to heal the foot first anyway.

    What a pic! I HAVE to see the COMANCHEROS!
    Oh, and just so you know, Ward didn't pass, he just galloped off with a gruff grin! YK

    Hi, MK. I'm almost positive that I don't own a single still with Ward. He passed before I started collecting.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    Super as usual Bill. Guess you haven't run into any of Ward or Ward and Duke yet. I have all the Hondo ones....screen capped anyway. Back stage shots would be nice if close. Oh, forgot about your foot....we will just wait until it gets well and can negotiate the stairs better, LOL. Love your pics, KEITH

    Super, Gorch, haven't seen those.
    And, you made your own album, didn't you? Way to go. Now, we can really look forward to what Carl has been telling me you have. He said it is absolutely amAZING! Congrats, KEITH