Posts from Ethan in thread „MONTE WALSH??? Whats your thoughts?“

    I thought Monte Walsh was okay as far as tv westerns go, but it was not the same as watching a western on the big screen. Something just didn't feel right. Also it was almost a copy, scene for scene, of the original "Monte Walsh" which starred Lee Marvin and Jack Palance.
    If you get the chance watch or go rent the oiriginal. It is well worth it.
    Selleck is okay in TV movies, but he just doesn't carry the movie along like other stars ( namely Duke or Marvin) .
    By the way the actor you were trying to think of is Wilford Brimley. But I must have missed him in the movie. I believe you were thinking of the other Selleck western, where he's protecting the widow and her property from the sheriff and hired killer.
