Posts from Kevin in thread „MONTE WALSH??? Whats your thoughts?“

    I must say I'm not a big fan of today's westerns either! But, did find Monte Walsh refreshing, and I did like the Carrodine brothers in this movie.

    The one thing that did strike me is the fact that this movie looked to much like a tv movie, it didn't have that "movie look" <_< like the old John Wayne movies did.


    I've seen the promo's for MONTE WALSH - the last cowboy on TNT this weekend, and it looks like a decent movie. I do like Selleck in westerns, is Selleck trying to fill the John Wayne role today?? I know NO ONE will ever be even close to the Duke, but is Tom Selleck the closes thing we have??

    It airs January 17th on TNT, and is repeated again on Saturday, and Sunday Night.

    Here's the MONTE WALSH web page on TNT:
