Posts from ethanedwards in thread „Member Pictures“

    Hi Kevin,

    Nice shot, I noticed you used it on your profile.
    I think is's good to see, our pictures,
    and to know, what your fellow member
    looks like, on the other end of a message.
    However, it's a matter of choice.

    Hi Bill,

    You're getting there,

    The one on the horse is fine, could be bigger,
    and the one of you, could do with downsizing!!
    It's a big massive Bill's face ha ha


    Originally posted by chester7777@Oct 10 2006, 04:36 PM
    If you don't already have software on your computer that will allow you to resize your photo, there are web sites that offer that service, for free. HERE is one example of such a place. You can do a Google search for "free photo resize" and see other results.

    Once the photo is an appropriate size, just follow Keith's directions (the Mrs. says she finds it helpful to print out the directions, so you can follow them more easily, step by step, while you are doing your task).



    Jim posted this, following my post ,
    click on the link Photo Downsize
    to downsize your photo, so it fits the global space

    Hi Bill,

    Fantastic photos, and you look great!!

    Bill,the question of getting a photo into your post, was asked yesterday,
    and I have copied my reply here.

    Try it out and see how you get on


    See, Hey Presto,
    Clear as mud heh??