Posts from Moonshine_Sally in thread „Why You Are A John Wayne Fan?“

    Most af all I like John Wayne trough his films ofcourse!As I already said in another topic it was my grandmother on my father's side who "introduced" me to him and to Humphrey Bogart.They where her hero's.I must've been 4 or 5 at the time as she passed away when I just turned 6.I have very few memories of her which I remember fondly and over the years whenever there was a John Wayne on I always kept saying gran would've loved it!So in a way John Wayne helped ME to remember my grandma.Now so many years later he is one of my biggest hero's,collect his dvd's.Only this week I finally bought McQ at work,must've been just released here as I'd never seen it before.He has made great films,although he has also made some which I think he shouldn't have made but then other people might like those so who am I to judge?Finally I'd like to say that John Wayne was a MAN.The way he looked,the way he walked and then that voice...they don't make them like that anymore!!!!!