Posts from bopoppa in thread „Broken Trail“


    Originally posted by B5Erik@Jul 2 2006, 08:59 AM
    I haven't seen it yet, but I'll probably check it out on DVD when it comes out (and it will). I have a feeling it will play better in one sitting without commercial interruptions than over 2 nights with commercials.

    It should be noted, however, that this did HUGE ratings for AMC - their best ever by far! If just one thing can come out of this it is that I hope we will see more Westerns produced in the years to come. Hopefully the studios can see that between the ratings for this and the surprising box office for Open Range a few years ago that there is still a strong market for well made Westerns.


    Thats a good point to make. There is a huge market for westerns and not only for the older generations that were luckily weaned on them. The movie wasn't bad per say more than it was disappointing and didn't live up to the hype. It had it moments and I would have to agree with a prior post that Thomas Hayden Church was great. So here's hoping that some quality westerns will be on the way.

    After finishing the movie, I found it less than advertised. In fact, I erased it off the tivo. A lot of filler and not a lot of cohesive story. I'm embarassed to say that I fell asleep during the second half.

    Hi all,
    I just finished watching the first part of Broken Trail and wondered what all of you guys and gals think? Duvall's character wasn't around as much as I'd like, but he's borrowing heavily from his performance in Lonesome Dove and Open Range. I'm not complaining mind you and the movie so far is terrific.