Posts from kilo 6 in thread „Saying Hello“

    Hello All
    How did that stunt turn out Chilibill?

    Hello, Don't ask and welcome, to this site, from a member who has enjoyed reading and sometimes posting here. If you are interested in determining the name of the movie you remember, having, a female rancher / currently a drover who suffers the prejudice of local cattle owners when crossing the area the cow owners live in, ( I will not abuse the name rancher by association with these low life roles ), I would be glad to try and help. If your interest is in finding a particular John Wayne ( in the cast ) movie I would enjoy helping you connect to a member who is familiar with the film in question. If someone could help you both, answer a question, with the information you have already provided, I am sure they would have done so. Please consider anything you remember about the movie. If that represents a lot of details, names or your best recollection of the names of cast can be helpful. the year ( even apprx) when you saw it. These things can be like a puzzle and the more pieces put together the easier to see the big picture or in this case the missing name. No one has ever accused me of being psychic. I will help if I can. :)