Posts from DukePilgrim in thread „You Tube Videos Related To John Wayne“

    Hi All

    It does seems extremely petty to do this. If they were to compile a DVD of these clips I would buy one but the possibility of one appearing is a bit like ******* into the wind.

    As for guns bullets and knifes and rhinestone belt buckles sorry I am not interested.


    Thanks for the link etsija

    Its funny I proberably haven't seen that link in its entirety since watching it live in 1979.

    As you say apart from looking thin Duke looked it great shape. You would never have known from his time on stage with the audience that he was so deadly sick.

    The strength and courage it must have taken for him to do that is beyond belief.


    By paying a small subscription fee I have managed eventually to put JW videos onto a disc which can be played separately from entering You Tube Videos.

    They look awful on TV via DVD Player but at least if they are deleted I can still see on computer.

    Hi Robbie

    I will check out registering and follow your lead. Cant do it tonight Carol Singing (Thankfully not ME)


    I see what you mean. The sad thing about Youtube and Uncyclopedia is that whilst they provided internet users with the opportunity to share information with each other because of their unregulated nature they also attracted every form of low life
    available. These people if you can call them that fired on every time of crap imaginable.

    A recent low point which lead to a prosecution was some "human creature" who decided to video himself eating a live mouse.

    I came across Youtube my accident and copied links to for various John Wayne
    video shorts here but I didnt copy a direct link to Youtube as I was aware of what other material was brought up when you did a search.

    It is an interesting site but be aware of the pitfalls. I think Robbie's stance of reporting obscene videos for removal to Youtube is to be congratulated.

    Now the site has been sold to Google and they will depend more on advertising maybe it will be properly managed.


    Hi Bill

    A recent documentary on John Wayne actually filmed at Pacific Memorial Park in Newport Beach and showed the memorial site now designated.

    When you consider that Chaplin's body was stolen after his burial and the circus that still continues at Graceland with Elvis you can fully understand the reluctance of the Wayne family to disclose the real burial site.


    Hi All

    I have heard the rumours of a such a place now allegedly marked as John Wayne's grave which apparently was set up so that all those who wish to frequent such a place could be accomodated.

    I have no desire to visit such a place so it is of no interest to me.

    Robbie you are correct I couldnt remember whether he was buried or cremated.

    I know he wished to be cremated and ashes scattered at sea and secretly hope his wishes were really observed.
