Posts from Hondo Duke Lane in thread „What Is It About Gary Cooper?“

    I purchased Friendly Persuasion from and I have seen it the other day. I liked the movie a lot. This was really good. I still like Sergeant York better, but this one was good. I'll watch the others soon.

    Thanks Stumpy for the suggestion. I will keep this in my collection. It is a keeper for sure.

    Cheers B)

    Now that's interesting, Rick, I've heard that Duke was interested in Bogart playing Crockett, but didn't know about Coop. Bogart died in '57 so that went out.

    And thanks for the movie info on "Alone Came Jones." I'll have alot of watching to do.

    Cheers B)


    Originally posted by The Ringo Kid@Oct 3 2006, 12:28 PM
    Hondo, I too used to not care much for Gary Cooper but, you just have to give him more time to "grow on you."

    What I mean is, try watching severl other of his movies--some are not so well-known as others. For instance, try watching some like: Beau Geste, The Lives of a Bengal Lancer, Marco Polo, Seminole? The Unconquored etc, and you will begin to come around to really liking him as I did. It took me several years to come around and start liking him as much as I now do and his movies are definately well worth watching.

    Grow on me, uh? Well I have to admit I haven't seen the ones you mentioned so I will give it a try.


    Originally posted by Stumpy@Oct 3 2006, 03:35 PM
    I'll guaran-damn-tee that y'all will like Cooper in "Friendly Persuasion". It's one of the best feel-good movies ever made, of whatever genre.


    Is this movie out on DVD, Stumpy?

    I'm not so sure what you mean by "quite plain." Maybe you can expain what you mean by that.

    Thanks for some of your comments. I will take into account what you said and see the movies that some of you suggest. I am open minded.

    Cheers B)

    This is what I wanted hear but what was it that made him stand out? He did great movies, but for some reason he didn't cross over as a legend. Again, I know of his untimely death. He only lived to be 60 years old. That's not very old. But Humphrey Bogart was only 57 years old when he died. And he was considered the best of all best actors in the business.

    I do know that he was well respected in the acting community but again, what is it about him that is different from other actors? Was he not as convincing as the others?

    Cheers B)

    P.S. Good to be back Arthur; and good to hear from you.

    I have been sitting at times wondering why Gary Cooper sets me off wrong. I try and watch his movies like, High Noon, Mr Deeds Goes to Town, Springfield Rifle, Meet John Doe, They Came to Cordura , and others. I can't pin point it, but he just doesn't click with me. Is it his movies he does, his acting , or his movie roles (characters he plays), or just him? I can't figure it out.

    Is there anyone who feels the same as I do or maybe can anyone tell me what I am talking about? I know he is a friend of Duke's but he never did a movie with Cooper. Did he see something in his movies that kept him from doing a movie with Cooper?

    By the way, Gary Cooper died a day before I was born. Is that eerie?

    Cheers B)