Posts from SXViper in thread „Spooky John Wayne Scenes“

    I too have a tough time trying to think of a scary or spooky Duke film.

    But one particular scene comes to mind that is dark and rather frightening. Its from "The Searchers". Its the scene where Ethan and Martin go to the soldiers fort in the winter to see if Debbie was part of the indians that were brouht into the Fort after the soldiers raided a indian camp. When Ethan and Martin are looking over the white girls to see if one is Debbie or not, Duke gets that look on his face of pure hatred/evil/disgust when that one girl is screaming and hollering. Now that was some fine acting, as I thought Ethan was the most brutal person you could ever want to meet.

    That is the scariest thing that I can think of.

    Oh yeah, the scene in True Grit were Kim Darby falls into the snake pit, that was scary to me when I was a kid. But not now.