Posts from luckynedpepper in thread „It's Halloween“

    I couldn't agree more.

    The problem is my wife who, although she's 70 years old, enjoys that stuff more than the kids, I think. She loves all the holidays whereas I'm a Bah-Humbug sort. :biggrin:

    sounds like we are the same kind of person Stumpy,i've been called a bah-humbug bloke as well and a miserable so and so.
    the only ones i like are Christmas and Bonfire Night

    Over here they've coined a term for the generation that fought in WW2 - they call it "The Greatest Generation".

    We owe so much to them yet most people never give them a thought.

    i agree,i bet most youngsters over here have never heard of D-Day and the Normandy landings. Heroes to them are these idiots on x factor

    I know this sounds crazy, Ned, but I kinda agree with your grandad. IMO, we've become too "civilized" and in the process, it has softened us and destroyed our character. People just have it too damned easy nowadays.

    Stumpy,you are correct.When my Grandads were both away fighting in WW2 and everything was rationed here it must have been so hard for everyone.People nowadays aren't built of the same stuff as them.I see people in supermarkets piling stuff in their trolleys that they don't really need and i think to myself that they would never have survived as my Grandparents did during the war years.

    My granddad had an outhouse at his old place and we had to use old newspaper and i can tell you in winter it was not a very pleasent experience. but as my old grandad used to say " its character building lad ! "