Posts from The Ringo Kid in thread „It's Halloween“

    I totally agree, it seems to have got out of hand in the UK,
    with constant hassle at the door.
    Also over here, in some towns and cities, is the underlying threat of intimidation or damage,
    to property or vehicles if you don't play along!!

    If that happened where I was at, I would be sitting outside in a very dark place with my Shotgun-w/ shells loaded with Rock Salt. The Cops wouldn't say anything about that if the Shotgun had to "clear it's throat" a time or two.

    Here though, we had no kids come by last year though we had 4 largs bags of candy-which my Brother was unfortunate enough to have to devour all by his self because I coudn't have that kind of suger flowing through my veins because of last years operation. This year, I bought one large bag of those tiny Tootsie Rolls and I can actually have some candy if I wish-but still not much. This bag of candy ought to last me at least a month-that is-providing no kids come by.

    It was really quiet last night for Halloween. Must have had only about 50 trick-or-treaters so there was a lot of left over candy.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Jay, you had ONLY about 50? Heh, I was lucky in that I got seven this year.:yeaahh: Like I predicted, each kid got a fist-full of candy. I still have more than half of it left. I've been giving it to library employees as I show up here.

    Well, last Halloween, we had a major thunderstorm but still managed to get about 15 kids-some running for cover from the rain ;-))

    Anyway, this year, I bought 4 bags of candy which I will mix together in a large bowl, and then give outa fist full of candy for each kid that comes. The fewer that come, the more they get. Last year, I gave out two handfulls fo candy. Someone mentioned that most go to Malls and Churches for trick or treating, same thing happened here. However, I did manage to pass out most of the candy last year. This year, who knows what will happen??????????? :yeaahh:

    Hondo, OWCH, that hurts! :D Actually, trading food with the cats might not be such a bad idea. What passes for "real" Pizza around here almost makes one want to eat cat food. :rolleyes:

    I'll be sitting on the porch with my two cats watching for the trick-or-treaters to come for some free candy. No parties planned but will be having some good Pizza for supper. :D The cats of course will be dining on canned food. :rolleyes: