Posts from William T Brooks in thread „Indiana Jones 4,,about damn time“

    Great another "Indiana Jones" Film with Harrison Ford ? :ohmy:
    There is No One that can do this type of film Better than Harrison Ford !!!

    You Young Bucks all think the same way that I did when I was in my 20s, that anyone over 35 was already Dead. :dead:

    Look at the Types of Films that Duke was doing when He was in His 60s. It is all a matter of what you think is Old?

    And the Head Cowboy at the 26 Bar Ranch is 62 years old, and still Punching Cattle and can still Hit a Beer Can at 100 Yards with His Winchester Saddle Rifle.

    I know for myself at almost 76 years, I am still Flying my High Preformance Aircraft, and still Current in Jet Aircraft, and still teach a Judo Class at the Local Collage and still can take those 20 year old Kids !

    So Harrison, Lucas and Steven go, go, go for it, even if you are Old and Decrepit and over 60 tears old !

    I can hardly wait for This Film to Come Out !!! :hyper:

    Chilibill :cowboy: