Posts from erthomp143 in thread „Politics“

    You know one of the greatest things that has been lost in this Country is the ability to respect someone elses point of view. You don't have to agree with it, you don't have to like it, but at least respect the fact that we enjoy the freedom for everyone to have a differing opinion.

    I don't agree with people that think the Government should dole out health care, retirement founds, welfare (even though I receive it). I believe that our Government was not designed to take care of us, but for us to take care of it. Unfortunately, this is no longer the dominant opinion and I believe that our Country is headed in a bad direction. This is proven out with the unemployment rate and the increasing number of people on welfare. Now I don't think that someone that disagrees with that is an idiot (There are plenty of them on both sides by the way), I just don't agree with the direction they think the Country should go. No need to name call, no need to hate, no need for anything but respect.

    By they way I live in a Blue State that didn't stand a chance of electing a Republican president so I wrote my name in...

    The truth is that no one person can take credit for what the government does, there are just to many people involved for that to happen... But because they are the leader, they get to take the credit for any success, just as they get all the blame for any failure. The truth is the leader is just a reflection of the people under him... congress does a crappy job and the President takes the fall... if the congress does a good job the President gets to take the credit... We need to stop looking for the one person that is going to fix this mess and get our hands dirty...

    Hey erthomp143, what is the origin of that quote about the turd in powdered sugar?

    You know I don't really remember, I think it was a public official talking about one of the Government health plans... I will do a little searching and see if I can find it....

    I'd be willing to bet a considerable amount of money that you're wrong on both counts.

    If I didn't realize that the American voter is a stupid, easily swayed creature, I would agree with you. I just can't help but remember "read my lips, no new taxes!!" Bush got the crap beat out of him with that stick, but no one remembered that the Dems (who had control of congress) would not pass a budget with out new taxes.. the Government even shut down for a few weeks... so can Obama win based on, hey I got Bin Laden, sure he can... he'll just point out that everything that is wrong is not his fault, he inherited it... he just needs another term to prove it.. after all he got the troops out of Afghanistan and the civil unrest that occured after that was not his fault either, in fact he kept us out of another countries civil war... yeah he's the greatest!! :vomit:

    The worst thing about this moron is that he bold face lied about it. What else will the scum bag lie about? Every voter in his constituency should press for a recall and get his low moral ass out of office... I know it won't happen, when are people going pull their heads out of their backsides...

    It cracks me up how people love to blame Bush (Clinton, Obama) for all the problems we face in the USA... it show a true lack of understanding about how the system works. We are in the mess we are in because of the excedily large amount of APATHY in this Country. This is spurred on by politicians that feel like they are better than the average person and therefor deserve not only to be in power but to be well taken care of because of it. ALL POLITICIANS have been through the same indoctrination and most have been to the same schools and brought up through the ranks of the same political machines. They know how to manipulate the weak minded apathetic middle and lower class voter. No longer are issues truly addressed they are just switched to hot topic emotional buttons used to swing the weak minded from logic to emotion so that their judgment is clouded, which makes them easily swayed. As long as apathy rules, the 535 people in the house and senate will be free to vote themselves pay raises, push their personal agendas on the people, and exploit the freedoms that so many have died for to their benefit and not the people of this once great country. However, there is hope... there is a swelling movement around the globe of people throwing off their oppressive governments and reaching for freedom!! I pray that soon that spark will reach this land and we will remember what our founding fathers fought for 235 years ago (on July 4th, 2011).

    It's different because he promised us that if he was elected it wouldn't be politics as usual. Just because it looks like the same old thing doesn't mean it is... come on, you know old slick willy showed us that if you tell a lie long enough people will believe it...

    How old are your children, Eric? Many state laws have a provision that say after kids reach a certain age, they have the right to make their own decisions with or without their parents' permission.

    At least it's that way in Texas and Oklahoma. And unless I'm mistaken, the laws here say the kids have those decision-making rights at age 13 or older.

    My kids ages are 19, 14, 10, and 8... I believe Cali law is set at 13 also.. I still have a few more years to wait. I also have grandparent rights to deal with and past due child support, that was charged to me when I had custody of my kids. But some day I will be able to move out of this state...

    So if I read you right, Eric, you're wishing the political situation we had on 1 November still prevailed?

    Oh I forgot, you live in the land of fruits and nuts, where the situation IS still the same. You should move to Texas, the reddest of red states and leave that blue hellhole behind.

    Not at all... my point is we need to find people that want to make a difference, not a politician. And if I could move out of this state I would, but Cali laws says that I cannot move my kids out of state without their mother permission.. and that is not going to happen. Oh the joys....

    I wouldn't rejoice... all that happened is that we voted in more politicians that don't get that we are upset... oh they say they know we are upset but they don't get it.. all they want is the power... we are set for two more years of the same... until we realize that we have been a socialist country since they didn't let the New Deal end, that ALL the politicians have been through the same schools, taught by the same people, making them all the same, no matter what party they are with. We need to NOT vote for anyone that is, was, wants to be a politician... then we will see some real change.

    I don't know about the explosives they are talking about but the video is a fake... if you watch at round 3:15 you can see the blast comes from the lower right, which is away from the pen. Then you can also see the fuse for that charge blow out to the left and drop down...

    Didn't watch it to the end.. the slow motion shows what I said also...

    Yep they are upset and I like it that way too... but the system the way it is right now corrupts, because it is corrupt.

    I will admit I don't know much about her, but she chose to move into the political arena and move up the chain... So she did some favor or had something done for her that when it's found out will tarnish her a bit...

    That's why we need to remove all current and aspiring politicians from office and do a write in campaign... start by picking someone you know in your neighborhood and write their name in... we need to shock our system back into alignment...

    I didn't say that I agree with everything he does, but he beats the hell out of the other choices we had... plus he had some great ideas to help the State not be in the mess it is now, but they where all voted down... but we know that I have shown that before...

    If you wait for a politician that you agree with 80% of the time, your going to be waiting a long time before you find someone you like... Sarah Palin will be taking a fall soon... Dem's don't like her and she seems like shes not the same cut as other politicals so the Rep's love her... she picked to be a politician during this time... there must be something wrong with her and when the newness rubs off it will start to show...