Posts from Jay J. Foraker in thread „Politics“

    I'm a big Sarah Palin fan. The liberals are trying to find any chinks in her armor to debase her any way they can. I think she is a fresh voice!

    I don't see how people can accept the facade that Obama exudes:vomit:. He is a smooth talker, but his retoric is empty and full of inaccuracies. Of course, a lot of people are like sheep and are won over by his platitudes.

    I read some statistical evidence awhile back that showed that most of our U.S. Presidents were those whose background included governership of a state.

    All I've read for the past 8 or 10 months is about the oratorical skills of Obama (which is apparently the only accomplishment he has) so I was wondering if anyone on the board has listened to any of his speeches and can attest that he is indeed the eloquent speaker they say he is.

    Oh, he is an eloquent speaker all right, but it is all empty eloquence filled with false logic and facts.

    i know what you mean by allowing them to go up with their peers even though they cant cope with the work, they do that at my sons current school. i have him tutored once a week for his english and at the end of this year i am moving him out of the school he is in to another one which has smaller classes and teach the 3 r's i hope this move will give him more of a chance to succeed with his education.
    cheers smokey

    Good for you, smokey!

    I can't believe some of the answers given. I consider myself fairly intelligent but not extremely so. Some of the answers make me wonder about the education our children are getting or if some of them even want to learn. That film really demorilized me:ohwell::cry2:

    To further expound on my previous post, let me just say that I wish with all my heart that the U.S. would adopt Switzerland's policy of strict neutrality and stop meddling in the affairs of other countries, especially those in the Middle East.

    We could start making a lot of watches for export, do a lot of clandestine banking and provide guards to the Vatican. Oh - and breed St. Bernards for saving people in the snow!:laugh::laugh::wink_smile:
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    WHOA!!! Who's going to order pizza anymore at those prices. (Not to mention all your personal information available to the pizza delivery guy - you got to figure the clerk is going to gossip to one and all whatever information he finds).
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    I got in a little dig today.
    I got a form letter from Sen. Joe Biden yesterday soliciting funds for the Democratic Party.:laugh: I don't know how I got on his list but there you are. Anyway, I wrote a nasty note back on the fund solicitation reply sheet telling him and all his cronies to quit sniping at the Republicans and get back to the supposed business of Congress. I used his business reply envelope - no postage necessary (though I'll pay for it in the end since congressional types don't pay for postage:glare:).
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Stumpy - I was once a member of the media (worked on a newspaper for 42 years in sales and as managing editor), but I was very much conservative. I didn't believe that the public always had "a right to know." As far as the 4th Amendment goes, the media's interpretation is balderdash! So many times a story has come out in the written or electronic news that turns out to be false because some "in-depth reporting idiot" didn't get his facts straight:headbonk:.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    This whole election is going to boil down to the analogy of "You have a choice. Which do you want - a broken arm or a broken leg?":glare:
    Cheers - Jay:beer: