Posts from erthomp143 in thread „Politics“

    Parts of California have some of the highest unemployment rates in the US. Northern California seems to be being hit a little harder than Southern California. The lawmakers have ran the high tech jobs out of California and they will more than likely never return. Arnie brought a bunch of reforms before the people and the idiots of this State voted them all down, and now they complain that Arnie hasn't done anything... just makes you shake your head...

    I think we as a public should reject ANYONE who has been trained for politics with in the last 5 years. Best way to shake up the system is to vote out everyone that makes it up...

    Well you have to admit that WWII was a much different war than the ones that followed. If you did not do everything in your power to be part of WWII there was something wrong with you, that is contrasted by Vietnam. Where if you did not do everything in your power to stay out of it, there was something wrong with you. That's my take on the general public view of things. So to compare the two is like comparing apples and oranges.

    Well I for one have to say that I enjoy to debate and some times I even pick a point of view I don't agree with, just to have a debate.

    I have to disagree with Cole being a troll... none of the comments have been, off topic, off the mark, personal attacks, or stated in such a way as to elicit an emotional response. It seems to me that he was only trying to point out what he feels is a hypocritical view point. I don't agree with him on that point, but did not feel that it was a personal attack in anyway.

    The thing that made this Country great was the fact that not only could we all hold different opinions, we where able to respect the other side. This is no longer true, for the most part.
    People take the stance now that if you don't agree with my side, then you are wrong. They try to point out all the reasons and facts of why they are wrong and when those fail, they resort to name calling and other strong arm tactics. It's all really kind of sad, no longer can there be a free exchange of ideas and that is why our Country is doomed...

    Hey Cole,

    I get what your saying, there is just one flaw in your argument. That is, that everyone is flawed, some are just more flawed than others. We all look to people that shape our beliefs and that also support our point of view. It is human nature to bash on the side that has opposing views to yours, this does not make you a "Hypocrite" per say. I would tend to be much more lenient towards something Rush Limbaugh would say than something Howard Stern would say. This does not make me a hypocrite, just means I will support someone that shares my point of view more than someone that does not. Now with that said, that does not mean that I don't respect others opinions and that I am not willing to listen to them.

    One of the things that this country has lost sight of is that it is ok to disagree. It is now believed that if you do not believe like I do then you are wrong. It's sad really, that we have forgotten to agree to disagree.

    Tom Clancy : ...Though he wanted to serve in the United States military, he was rejected after failing a required eye exam...

    source: Tom Clancy Wikipedia

    I personally feel everyone who aspires to vote should have to pass a political awareness test beforehand. And show a picture ID to boot. Hell, most Americans can't even name the people who represent them in Congress, much less what their political positions are.

    Hear, Hear!

    Yeah our choices are getting slim... Do they still make Fords here?
    Didn't most of the American car companies move plants to Mexico and Canada?

    Like I have said before, it's up to us.. if all we do is complain with out taking action.. we get what we deserve.

    "...and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

    Well he tried and the people of California said no, so the legislature ran with it. He only has so much power, in other words he's not the only one to blame.

    Here are some of the props he brought forth that where defeated.

    The people screamed that they wanted change and when he brought change they screamed...

    Actually he has turned out to be a very effective middle of the road Governor. It's the people of California that have their heads up their backsides. Shortly after taking office he managed to bring forth legislation that would have helped California not be in the pickle it is now, things that people said they wanted, but when it came time to vote the idiots of this State defeated every one of them. It truly was a sad day for California.
    Now we have our elected officials in a dead lock on the State budget, it really is not hard to figure out how to get out of this mess, but no one wants to be the one that had to make the difficult choice.

    There we go, the Wayne Conservative Party... WCP ... man had a flash of robocop... but that was OCP ... anyway...

    Want smaller Government...
    Want More Freedoms...
    Want to not Police the World...
    Want to get rid of Professional Politicians...
    Want to not be part of a Global Economy...
    Then the WCP is for you...

    The thing to remember is that it is all of our jobs to voice what we think is wrong and try to sway people to our position. We need to not be afraid to point out the wrongs.

    Professional Politicians are bad (We need to start over)
    The Public School system is a disaster (We need to start over)
    Legislating Protection is drawing down our gene pool. (We need to remove them so stupid people start to die again.)
    We need to bring back manufacturing jobs so we do not have to put undo pressure on the failing school system. (Let's face it there are stupid people out there, we can't all be a Bill Gates.. other examples?)
    We need to quit looking to our Government to save us, since when did it become their job??

    We cannot unite while we push diversity...