Posts from erthomp143 in thread „Politics“

    Yep, I agree.. no parent should have to deal with the loss of a child...

    There are reports out that say he was on the medication and that he did not hit his head during the seizure, but again either way it's sad when a young life is lost.

    Naw can you say "Dictatorship" .. we are already a Socialist country... it's time for a revolution before it is to late....

    We need to demand the resignation of ALL professional politicians and start over. We have the power and the right to do so, now is the time to act!

    Just a little info:

    Scientology: Believes the Spirit can heal the body, but not necessarily at the exclusion of Doctors. They mostly go to the Doctor to find out what is wrong and then "Audit" to heal the body. Their website says once they are under treatment they "Audit"...

    The Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian Science): Believes that prayer will heal the body and in most cases at the exclusion of Doctors. They mostly do not go to the Doctor and rely on prayer to heal whatever sickness they may have.

    Neither of these religions/cults make good use of Doctors, but there are parents that don't belong to either of these that do not make good use of Doctors either. Part of living in a free society is that we get to choose how we raise our children and whether we take them to a Doctor or not. Is it a shame that this young man died, sure is. But there is no guaranty that the medication would have stopped this seizure either.
    My step father had a brain tumor that was causing seizures, he had the tumor removed but the seizures continued. He is on anti-seizure medication but still has them on occasion.

    We cannot force people to behave in a manor that WE think is appropriate. It would be wrong of me to force my moral standard on you, just as it would be for you to do the same to me. Now with that said do I hope that others that do not make good use of Doctors, start to do so because this young man passed, yep I sure do.

    The press ALWAYS thinks the liberal candidate is a shoe in... Can't go by what the press says... about anything....

    Iraq is not and was not a no win war, the problem with it is that we let it become politically driven. If we would get the politicians out of the way and let the military do it's job, it would be over sooner.

    Regan is the last President that had power over Congress, they all feared what a negative word from him would do to their political career. Now the Presidents fear what a bad word from Congress will do to them... kind of sad really....

    It seems to me that since Regan we have been left with having to vote for the lesser of two evils... We really need to VOTE them ALL out of office and start over...

    On a pure political stand point I disagree with term limits. We already have the ability to vote people out of office at any time, we do not need to wait for a set election to do so. However, the American people as a whole have become to lazy, ignorant, stupid and apathetic to make any real changes. That's why I try and fight the "there's nothing we can do any way" mind set. Our Constitution has not been changed to remover our power, yet anyway, so we still have the power to make changes. We just don't have enough people smart enough to do it any more. It's really kind of sad ... of course with all that said, there is still no other place I would rather live.

    LOL ... I play army golf... left, right, left, right....

    It’s kind of a shame you don’t know your history better…

    1948 Arab-Israeli War (War of Independence)
    Israel directly backed by Brittan and France, politically backed by the US and Russia.

    1956 Suez War
    British backed, no US involvment.

    1967 (Six day war)
    No direct US involvement other than trying to work a political one before any aggression.
    The US was very upset at Israel for attacking before a political resolution could be attempted. (No US equipment or forces used by Israel)

    1970 War of Attrition
    US F4’s used… Arab’s have heavy Russia backing. US takes no military action, only political and come up with the plan for the cease fire that ended the conflict.

    I could go on, but is there really a need?

    Another bitter, frustrated old man... that's pissed because it didn't go his way ... (see I can play that game too)

    Funny... how you didn't speak to one of my points... So I will make it easy for you...

    Explain how the Golf war INCREASED Middle East unrest.

    First, like his politics or not, he has been a man of his words. To my knowledge he has not waffled on any subject. I have not heard him say that he is for this and then turn around and say he is for that. IMO he has also shown great character in not caring about what the polls say, he has done his thing. I don’t agree with everything he has done but that doesn’t mean I can’t respect him.

    Caused unrest in the Middle East? That is all the Middle East has know for thousands of years. Neither of the Golf wars caused unrest any more than Russia did.

    Saddom was not a direct threat to us, but he was to our Allies in the region. He was at war with all his neighbors at one time or another. He gassed his own people; he tortured and killed anyone that opposed him. This man needed to be removed from power. Or did we need to wait until he could hurt our people? I guess some people didn’t learn from WWII.

    Gas prices are high because we are stupid. We sit and let oil the companies make Billion dollar profits every quarter (3 months) and do nothing about it but bitch that the war caused this, or it was a hurricane, or whatever lame reason they throw out. You want the gas prices to come down, stop buying gas and plastics. Then it won’t matter what the cost of a drum of oil is, but it’s always easier to blame someone else than to actually do something.

    I have been thinking about this and I have to say that you’re right. What’s the point in voting? I mean why should we care that Barack Hussein Obama’s campaign has turned telling the truth into something we should be ashamed of. I guess when we really get down to it we deserve it, right? I mean you tried so hard to save us from our selves but we did not listen to your sage words of advice. So ultimately if Barack Hussein Obama is elected it’s not your fault, right? I guess I need to just throw my hands in the air and quit to. Since no one cares about all the time I have spent in town meetings, school board meetings, writing letters, voting, talking to people about the truth, writing letters to the troops, going to jury duty, and trying to learn our countries history so that I can try hard to help stop us from repeating bad history. Oh wait, I care!! I know that it doesn’t matter what someone else chooses as long as I do the right thing. At the end of the day I can hold my head high because I made the right choice no matter of the out come. Just like the man that this forum is all about!! Thank you for making me really think about this…

    IMNSHO, you folks complaining about non-voters are full of crap.

    What a sad statement... Freedom Sir does not come FREE it takes sacrifice. Also, just because you think a solution is well thought out and a good idea, doesn't mean that it is. Doesn't mean it is not either, just pointing out that it's easy to quarterback when you are not in the game. Besides writing letters how else where you involved? I work hard at my freedom and get involved where I can. I take being a Citizen seriously and have never missed an opportunity to be involved. I agree with you that the worst thing that has ever happened to this country is the Professional Politician, they have made being in the Government their job and we should do everything we can to get rid of them, but your attitude does not help in that at all. There is no way we can rally together and kick these SOB’s out when people have a “what the hell, it don’t matter anyway” attitude.

    Just look at one of the things that made our Country strong, our judicial system. Innocent until proven guilty and a trail by our peers. You just have to watch the news to know that we are no longer innocent until proven guilty, it is now the other way around. And when is the last time you heard someone excited about having to do jury duty. It’s now a trail by twelve people that where not smart enough to get out of jury duty. It’s really a sad thing, but it is not hopeless. We are still free, not as free as we where in the past, but we can still be involved and that means we can make changes. And as long as we have that, there is hope, and I will continue to bitch about people that want to whine and complain but not DO anything about it… and writing a letter is not doing anything… you have to get involved.

    I'm not sure which upsets me more the choices we had this election or hearing people say they are going to give up their freedom and responsibility and not vote. Our Nation is controlled by the minority of people that vote... just look at the numbers... Of the people eligible to vote maybe 60% register. Of that 60% on a good election you get 50% of them to come out. Then a wining candidate gets about 40% of the vote… that’s around 15% of the voting population deciding the course of the Nation… Your VOTE counts and is important…

    (My numbers are not exact and they do fluctuate, but the point is solid)

    The saddest part of the way our Country is right now is that we have allowed it to be that way. We allow our politicians to do the things they do, sure we bitch about it to our friends and on message boards but when it comes to taking real action, most are just to busy. I am just as guilty as the next guy, but just think if we took the time that we spend here and wrote an editorial and sent it to the newspaper, T.V. and radio stations. Spent time sending letters to our elected officials and making trips to see them, things would change.