Posts from Hondo Duke Lane in thread „Politics“

    Fred Thompson dropped out today. I kinda saw it coming but it is hard to see it still. I think this is the last conservative running. I just don't know what to think, but I believe that we are in a lot of trouble folks. Don't get me wrong, he was a weak candidate, but he was truly a man who I think had vision. Others do, but only to take away from all of us and put our country in danger. What's next?

    Cheers :cool:

    This will be inspiring.

    Did anyone see the Nixon movie? I didn't and won't. It was not flattering of President Nixon, so I can imagine what he will do for President Bush. I wonder why he hasn't done a Reagan movie or even Clinton one?

    Cheers :cool:

    I hope you're wrong Stumpy. I really do. I don't think they'll be each other's running mates #1, and I don't think they would survive the general election #2. I hope the American people can see how serious it is in this country and the lip service those two are producing could result in mass killings throughout the world.

    Cheers :cool:

    . . . . . . . . . .

    Way too many Americans get most of their news from (a) network TV, or (b) major newspapers such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, etc. Almost without exception, the news sources in (a) and (b) are overwhelmingly left-wing, which means Americans get their news from biased sources which nearly always support Democrats. So you see, the deck is stacked against those of us on the right from the get-go.


    Where do you get your source of information from? I agree with your analysis, but curious if we get the same sources of different.

    As my my federal and state representatives, I do know mine. My House Representative is Terry Everett (who is retiring after this term), and Senators are Jeff Sessions, (running for reelection) and Richard Shelby. All Republicans. As for the state my legislator is Mac Gipson (R) and state senator is Wendell Mitchell (D). Heck, I even know my City Council representative, and county commissioner. I have talked to all of them except Shelby. I haven't had the opportunity to see him yet.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo

    If the government would be so concerned with their conduct as they are with the conduct of the U.S. then maybe we'd have a government with integrity and honor. They are so busy trying to take the sawdust from our eye that they ignore the plank in their own eye. Give me a break.

    Cheers :cool:

    I remember when I was a kid, there were several times I have actually played with mercury because it was such a fascinating substance. Of course back then nobody told us it was "dangerous" to our health.

    I read on the 'net a day or so ago that those curlicue bulbs can also cause migraine headaches. Guess we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

    You know the goal of the liberals is to get the people back to the caves and work for them so they can enjoy the spoils of life, and we are their servants. I thought you knew that stumpy.:wink_smile:

    I mean global warming is destroying the world. Only three quarters of the nation is in the deep freeze. It should be 90%. Oh, the other 10% us for the liberals to enjoy their luxury life.

    Cheers :cool:

    I must say that the political climate is a lot different than it was 24 hours ago. I don't know who I am interested in at this time. Our primary is on February 5 (Super Tuesday) which is a month from today. I am looking very hard at Thompson, and Huckabee, but I am very open to anyone else in the GOP. Forget about the other party. I wouldn't vote for them if they paid me a million dollars (they'll only tax it back to them when they get elected). Interesting time we're looking at in the next month.

    I am glad to see Hillary doing so well. Hope she keeps up her composure in New Hampshire like she did in Iowa.

    Cheers :cool:

    Stumpy, you should run. :beer: You don't take bull and don't care what anybody says. I think you would shoot them and get the job done. :glare: And I'd hate to see you in front of Ted Kennedy. He'd be, well, I don't want to say. :stunned: I know you can't even stand his smell or even be in the same room with him. :ohmy: Duke would be laughing his head off at what you would do to some of those idiots in Washington. :teeth_smile:

    You'd get my vote!

    Cheers :cool:

    :thumbs_up: Stumpy for President!!!! All the way in 2008 :thumbs_up:

    Not to change the subject, but did anyone see the debates this week? I don't know about you, but if this is our choice for our commander and chief in 2009, we are in trouble. Not very impressed on who's running in both parties.

    We need someone who will take the position and kick butt once and for all. And then go in and win this war by blowing those idiots away over seas. Do we have anyone that will take charge and do it? Who do you like?

    I'm thinking about it, and no dead people folks. The only resurrection I know that happened was Jesus Christ and no one else have since then, so John Wayne and Ronald Reagan are not possible.

    Cheers :cool: