Posts from SXViper in thread „Politics“

    Yeah our choices are getting slim... Do they still make Fords here?
    Didn't most of the American car companies move plants to Mexico and Canada?

    Ford still has the Ranger plant in St. Paul, MN and I am pretty sure they have a couple down south. I know Canada has a Ford plant or 2. I own a Ford truck and a Chevy car. It will be a long time before I even think about a GM pickup if ever. I have no complaints about my F150. My Chevy Impala is actually a really nice car. Great gas mileage, 30mpg, and room for the 4 of us. Plus the truck is big enough to carry LOTS of groceries!!!

    The world's full of 'em, Bill.

    Yeah, I work for one!!

    By the way, Jackass is my wife's and and I favorite term to describe a person that irritate's us and does something stupid.

    I think of my kids but the government has been mortgaging our future for a great while now. And unless philosophies change on both sides it isn't going to matter what/who is in charge. It may sound like a cop out but this is the direction we are heading in. Can you say "communism"???

    I guess I have not heard it stated that way Mike. But, I wouldn't doubt it considering that when the recount started Coleman was ahead by roughly the same amount that Franken is now. I really don't care anymore as the dems have most of the power anyways. Let them try to fix the mess we are in and if they don't it will only hurt them in the long run. If they do fix it, well then good for you and me.

    Yeah, isn't it great. We were already a embarassment once when we voted in Jesse "the body" Ventura. Now we have this clown and he hasn't even lived here for the last 20 years or so, just maintained residency. Shows how sometimes the cold weather can freeze some people's brains!!!

    Gas will not stay down below $2 for long. So that tax may raise it well over the $4 mark if not close to $5. The only reason they are even proposing this tax is because they see tax revenues will be much lower cause the economy is in the tank, so they raise that tax because they know people will drive.

    The ammo tax/serialization is just a different avenue for the amti gun wackos to try to regulate gun's. They know they cannot win the "ban guns" fight so they are going this route.

    Don't make jokes about taxing air and water as I read a article that of Obama's appointees, a women who's name escape's me, is proposing to regulate(tax) carbon output. The funny thing about that is, how do you tax tree's, animals, human's for there carbon output?? These people are truly nuts.

    If the tea party don't work then we need to march on the capitol, how about a 300 million person march!!!!

    Obama has to get through the 1st 4 years before thinking about the next 4 after that. I think he is going to have the hardest road a president has ever faced dealing with the issues at hand.

    When the Good Lord comes back, that will be the day!

    . . .oh oh, maybe I should have made this post in the religious thread :ohmy:

    Chester :newyear:

    When the good lord does come back, most politicians will be running in the opposite direction!!!

    Not much I would want to add to that Stumpy......Like I have stated in the past, we need ole Ronny back!!!

    I can understand Minneapolis & St. Paul voting for the Dummicrats, since they're urbanized areas (and once again, I don't understand what it is about cities that promotes liberalism) but who is it that lives up in northern Minnesota that's so hot for the Dummicrats?

    It is the taconite mining town's and tourism that dominate the northern part of Minnesota. Always looking for handouts is my thought.

    Once again, we're in total agreement.

    I've said over and over that I'm sick of voting for the lesser of two evils.

    I don't think truly "good" people will ever be part of the american political system anymore. There is just to much of a "good ole boys club" on each side. A non-corrupt person just will not get a chance to do anything in the current Washington political environment. Now, if we had term limits, then I think you would start to see good people who want to go to Washington to make a difference.

    I agree with you completely, Robbie!

    I didn't have a dog in the hunt, but the ability for some to vote a person in office with some many unknowns is truly frightening. Obama is a celebrity to so many in this country (and to the World) that many just voted to make history.

    I think we are going to make history alright, its the type of history that I am afraid of!!!In fact I think most of the middle class are going to find out they might be part of history after this guy is through!!