Posts from William T Brooks in thread „Politics“

    Stumpy and MKotyk24,
    You are a Good Men for Serving your Country !
    I went into the U.S.A.F. in 1950 for the Korean War and went into the Air Guard in 1956 untill 1966 then got out of the Reserves in 1981.

    Thank God They Got Rid of that Negro Commie
    "Van Jones"
    In The old days they would just Shot Him and That Would Have Been The End Of It !!!

    You Are Right , Here is His History in The U.S. Army !!!

    Kennedy enlisted in the United States Army in June 1951.[9] Following basic training at Fort Dix, he requested assignment to Fort Holabird for Army Intelligence training, but was dropped after a few weeks without explanation.[9] He went to Camp Gordon for training in the Military Police Corps.[9] In June 1952, he was assigned to the honor guard at SHAPE headquarters in Paris.[2][9] His father's political connections ensured he was not deployed to the ongoing Korean War.[2][10] While stationed in Europe he travelled extensively on weekends and climbed the Matterhorn.[11] He was discharged in March 1953 as a private first class.[9][

    This is all Show, and Makes Me Sick !
    But One Good Thing About It , They are About Ready To Put Him In The Ground !!
    Then We Can Get Back To The Living World !!!

    We have already been though over a month of this News coverage of this Dope Sick Jackson thing like he was a Hero !
    Now the News People have a New Hero Ted Kennedy and talk about him like he saved the U.S. all by himself !!
    When in fact one of the reasons the U.S. is in the Shape that it is in Today is because of Ted Kennedy and his 46 Years Helping making Laws for the U.S., and Now they are Putting him in Holy Ground as if he had Won all The Wars Also !!!

    I am glad to see that I am Not The Only One That is Not In Love With The Kennedy Tribe, but at least J.F.K. and Bobby were doing Something They Thought Was Right !!!

    Now Stumpy Don't Try to Be Nice, Ted is Just a Big Piece of Crap and has been that way ever sense He Let That Young Girl Drowned, Just to Save His Own Ass !!
    I am with You, I will be Glad when He is Gone !!!

    Where do I sign Up to Help Dick Cheney With All The Guns ?
    After the Moose Gets The Half Breed and Old Big Mouth Joe !
    Oh I am Sorry we Forgot to put Ammo in Their Moose Rifles !!
    We can go Back to The Cabin and Pay Bill a Visit if The Girls have Not Blown Up The Out House With Him In It Already !!!
    We won't worry about Old Ted he is going to be Gone Soon With Cancer !!!

    Thanks Chester, I am Not Very Nice When Some Young Kid Gets on me About American Politics From another Country, it makes me Reach for my 357 Mag. !!!
    So I think I will Just Stay Away from this Politcs Thing and
    just take it as it is,
    "The Stupidity Of Youth," and go back to what this Site is all About,
    "John Wayne"

    Well Bill Clinton Got The Two Ladies Freed in North Korea !
    Now are You Going To Tell Me That There was Not Some Kind Deal to Get Them Out Of There ! !
    I Hope We Find Out Some Day on What We Had To Give Them ?

    That Damn Bill Cliton is Just Like The RASH You Can't get Rid Of Him !
    Now He Is Over In North Korea, and I would like to know What They are going to give Them Now to Free The Two Ladys?
    It has been almost 60 Years ago now that we were Dropping Bombs from a B-29 on North Korea and They Are Still A Pain In The You Know What !!!

    I am just Glad that I live Way Out Here in The Boondocks in the Southwest where there is Lots Of Wide Open Spaces and High Country to go to , When we end up with The One World Govenment that Obama Wants !!!

    I got though watching that Poor Woman that Called the Police about that Nigro Professor Breaking into His Home and All The Trouble that it has caused Her !
    Now this Loud Mouthed Nigro Professor should have Just told the Police who He was and showed them His I.D. and told them to Leave, And Not Yell and Call It Racism but that is what most Nigros Think !!
    Now that Police Man Was Crazy For Putting The Cuffs on the Nigro Professor in His Home and Taking Him off to Jail but that is the way Most of the Police Think !!!
    Now Obama The Half-Breed is going to Have them at The White House For A Big Beer Sumit .
    I Wonder What The Hell This Big Beer Sumit is Going To Cost Us?

    There are Plenty of Jobs here in Northern Arizona that were once Done By Mexicans, but many of Them have gone Back Down Below The Border into Mexico !
    But Most of The JOBS, You Might Have To Get Your Hands Dirty !!
    These Job were done By Them Because Nobody else would do them !!!