I Think some one might have put this picture up in the past, so I added some text !!!
Posts from William T Brooks in thread „Politics“
I am Still after over 30 Years Driving John Wayne's Old 1973 Chevy Step-Side Pick-Up and working on the Third 350 Engine with about 5000 Miles on it !
Great Old Truck, and Still Drives Great !!!
Chilibill -
Here is some FUNNY M-O-N-N-E-Y Now being Printed Up, I Like Duke's Money The Best !!!
http://www.ranch26bar.com/FUNNY1.html -
I will be the First in Line to Sign Up For The Firing Squad for that Over Sexed Negro, or do I Have to Say Black Man now in these days !!!
Bill -
Here my up dated list of the 10 people that are The Most Danger to the American Way Of Life !
If you have some that you think are more of a Danger let me know before I send The Web-Site out to the Fox Network ?
What are they going to Do To Me at My Age, Put Me in Jail For Life, and Water Board Me !!!
Come on Stumpy, Give me some Names of These Dummys and some of the so Called News People !!!
Bill -
This is for You and Anyone that is into this type of thing ?
I am trying to come up with the Top 10 People that John Wayne if He was still here, would think are a "DANGER" to The American way of life, please help me to fill in the list so that I can put it up on The Internet !!!
Two days ago in Williams, Arizona we had over 250 Bike Riders that had started out in L.A. on their way to Wasington, D.C. and every one in Town Turned to Greet Them, And all of us Waving Small U.S. Flags !
Then They Camped out in Williams for The Night, before moving on the Next Day on there way to Washington, D.C. For what is Called "Rolling Thunder To The Wall" in Wasington D.C.!!
One of them told us that by the time They Get to D.C. there would be Way over 150,000 Bikers to be at The Wall and Tell the People in Washington What They Think About What is Going On There !!!
Go All You Bikers
++++++++++++ -
In the Old Days of the 1930s and until the 1950s in Arizona was Run By Democrats but was a Very Conservative State !
If you were a Republican in Arizona at that time you would Just Not Run as a Republican but as a Conservative Democrat !!
Then in the 1950s here came a Half-Breed Jew Boy
"Berry Goldwater."
He had His own Money so He Did Not Have His Hand in Your Pocket for your Money, and was Very Honest and Loved Arizona and The U.S.A. and The Freedom that we had in the Southwest and Did Not want us to Lose it,
And this Changed Arizona and the U.S. Forever !!!
He was Known as
"Mr. Conservative"
http://www.ranch26bar.com/GOLDWATER.html -
!!! -
Where in The Hell Do You Dig Up All These Jackass People ?
Bill -
Some of my Indian Part of my Family Did
In the Sweat Lodges Back in the Late 1890s, maybe This Guy is part of Brooks Family and Just has Not Got Off of It Yet ?
Bill -
I think you Missed The Point, He knew He Could Not Be Elected again if He Was A Republican in His State, and that Should Tell You a Lot About That Crooked Bunch That We Have In Washington On Both Sides !!!
Chilibill -
Is this Guy Any Good ?
Bill -
From a Old U.S.A.F. Pilot, That is about the Best I Have Ever Seen !!!
Chilibill -
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry fired up an anti-tax "tea party" Wednesday with his stance against the federal government and for states' rights as some in his U.S. flag-waving audience shouted, "Secede!"
An animated Perry told the crowd at Austin City Hall -- one of three tea parties he was attending across the state -- that officials in Washington have abandoned the country's founding principles of limited government.
He said the federal government is strangling Americans with taxation, spending and debt.
Don't forget Arizona and New Mexico I am Sure We Would Go With You !!!
Chilibill -
Stumpy, Just Who in The Hell Do You Want To Run This Country Now ?
I know that the People That We have Now Have Stink, But it is Going to Take More Than Talk on This Web-Site to get get it Back To What it was 50 or 60 Years Ago !!!Bill
I love It, and it is Already Number One On My Hit Parade !
Bill -
That is why I am Moving Back to the Land over at Duke Old Ranch in the High Country, and getting a few Head of Cattle and Planting a Garden, and getting plenty of Firewood for the Fireplace, then Just Sit Back with My Shot Gun with Buck-Shot and let this Rotting World Go on By !!!
Chester I Think that Tells The Whole Story, and this only the Start Of The Trouble along the Border With Mexico !
I know we are Having Bad Trouble on our Border Here in Arizona with Many Killings !!
All I can Say Is Go Texas !!!