Posts from William T Brooks in thread „Politics“

    Just saw on the Fox News that Crooks Got Off with Almost $10,000,000 in Just 30 Min. from A.T.M. Machines by Hacking into the Computer Network with Fake Debit Cards and Pin Numbers !
    Now I know that I am Going To Stuff My Mattress with What M-o-n-n-e-y I have Left !!
    The Credit Cards are No Good and Now The Debit Cards have Gone To Hell In A Hand Basket !!!

    Well the U.S. has a New President for Good , Bad or the Ugly !
    I really Did Not want Him but we Got Him !!
    Stumpy, I always thought Texas was in the U.S.A., who is the Leader in Your Country of Texas ?

    I see that the Porno Queens In California have Gotten Together and are getting in line for Some Of The Bail Out Money and they say It Is To Save Jobs !
    I think I better Get in Line To, as it looks like The U.S. Government Might Have To Take Over The Hopi Tribe as just about Everyone in The Hopi Tribal Government Has Quit and there is No One to Talk To at the Tribal Headquarders and all the Phones are Cut Off !
    I talked to the Ranch Manager of the "Hopi Three Canyon Ranches" and that Has the Duke's Old Ranch "The 26 Bar Ranch" and He said that He was having a Hard Time Just Keeping Things Going !!
    If that happens that would mean that I would be Dealing with the U.S. Government Over My House at The 26 Bar Ranch !!!
    Duke Would Just Love This One, So Maybe I Just Better Get In Line For Some Of This Bail-Out "M-O-N-N-E-Y" As DUKE Would Always Say, And Save Some Jobs,
    Like " MY-OWN" !!!!


    Now that Fuel for Your Cars is in Most Places is Below $2.00 a Gallon the "Washinton OutLaws" Want to Put a Fuel Tax of 50% on the Fuel that we all use in Our Cars, and that would put Fuel Back Up to Over $3.00 a Gallon Or A Lot MORE !!
    Also I hear that there is a Move in Some States to Put a Tax on Ammunition that you use in Your Firearms and make it so it could be Traced back to You, and this would be for Reloads Also. They want a .05 Cent Tax on Each Ammo Round. And after they pass the Law you Must DESTROY of All The Ammo That Is Not Marked by The Feds !
    :wink_smile: Oh You Can Just Bet On That !!!

    They Can Not Do It With The Firearms because of the U.S. Law, So What Do The Crooks that Run The Country Do ? Go after The Ammo With A Tax So They Have Control Over Our Weapons AND US !!!
    What Are They Going To Do Next, Tax The Air And Water that it Takes To Live, I think That Is Time To Fight Back "With Another Boston Tea Party" ? All With In The Laws Of The U.S. Course !

    I just saw this on Fox News and at first thought tha it was a JOKE, Then they Said That It Was No Joke !
    The thing that Scares the Hell Out Of Me is that these are the same People that We The People Put Into Office !!
    I can tell One Thing if The F---ing Police Ever Show Up in this part of the U.S.A. they better Bring the Army, Navy and The U.S.A.F. with Them, Because as Duke Said In The Old Days, "There Is A Lot Of Sand To Get Lost In Here In Arizona" !!!


    It sure has gotten a lot Quiter around The Verde Valley, McCain's Ranch and The Airport ln the last Week or So, and I don't see any Men In Black and With The Dark Glasses anymore !!!

    Those are Navajo, Hopi and Apache Reservations in Arizona and Navajo in New Mexico !

    I could not figure that out myself, so I ask some of the Indians that I know, and they told me that there were Many Indian-Mexican Cross-Breeds that live on the Reservations now because they have to be only 1/4 Indian Blood of that Tribe to live on the Reservations !
    And they say that on Indian Land they Do Not Live by White Man Laws, Only Indian Laws !!

    The Man that is now Running The 26 Bar Ranch for the Hopi Tribe is a Half-Breed of Hopi - Mexican Blood. I am afraid that they Do Not Care Much for the White Man, Only What The White Man Can Give Them !!!

    You and I have lived these times Many Times Before and we will make it Again Unless We Get Called To That Big Rainbow in the Sky, but Remember what Duke Would Have Said.

    Back in the 1800s when the People were Moving West to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, there were Very Few White Woman in the West at that time, so they took on Indians or Native Americans and Mexicans as Their Wives, so we Still have Many Cross-Breeds in the West !!!

    When I was a Young Boy with Both Grandmothers were Both Native Americans, and my other Half were Scott, Irish and English, and the other Half were Native American or before all this Correct Language and I was Called A Half Breed, but went though life Thinking I was White because I was Raised in a ALL White Family, and even in the U.S.A.F. I was called White on my Dog Tags !
    Now the way I hear it Obama in Half White or Caucasian and Half Negro or Black so that should make Him a Half Breed Also !
    But that is not what He calls Himself, and Everyone Calls Him, BLACK !!
    So I quess that Means if You Have any Negro Blood in You that Makes You BLACK !!!
    :tongue1:Kemo-Sa-Be Say, "Hi-Yo-Silver Away !!!!

    A few months ago, I was doing some Back-Ground Checks on some People that do some work for NASA here in the Verde Valley, so I Did one on Obama also, and here are some of the things that it had to say about Him !
    Now if some Old Man like me out in the Middle Of Arizona can find out things like these, How Come You Do Not Hear this on The T.V. News ?
