Because Barack Obama wants to Down Size The Air Force, this will give you a look at
The New Air Farse !!!
Posts from William T Brooks in thread „Politics“
Stumpy started this Politcs Thing Some Time Back, but every time You say somthing about "Obama" You are talking about Racial Things ?
I can not understand Why Obama is Called Black ? He is Not Black He is 1/2 So Called Negro, and 1/2 what is Called Caucasian !
In the Old Days we called this a Half-Breed. He was also Raised in His early days as a Muslim, and No One Wants to Talk about that also ! And Do Not Bring up Barack's Church, or What His Wife Said !
No one knows Much about This Man, and it is time that Some One Looks into "Barack Hussein Muhammed Obama Jr." Back Ground !!! -
As we get closer to the Election Of The President of The United States Of America I think You Need to Look One More Time at One Of The People That Is Running for the Office, And This Scares The Hell Out Me !!!
Well here we go Again !
John McCain is Back at His Ranch for a Big Bar-B-Q they say to Pick His Running Mate here in the Verde Valley and the Men in the Black Suits are All over the place.
And all the T.V. People from Phoenix are here also, what a Mess !
I went to get a Hair Cut in my little Town and got caught in the Local Barber Shop by One Of The T.V. Crews for a Enterveiw on what I thought about John McCain my Neighbor, that has His Ranch just about a Mile from my place?
Chilibill -
A lady at my Church sent this to me because She got tired of me Yelling about Paying $5.00 a Gallon For Aviation Fuel.
Garfield On Oil !
Oh Yes Maryland is in The U.S., So Your Vote Counts, Now we Have 5 Votes WOW !
What Office in The Government Did You Say You Wanted for You Vote?
Now if I can Just Get My Three Kids to Vote for "Chief Besh-Nez," We Are On Our Way !!!
Now How Many Voters did You Say are in The U.S.?
President -
Well it looks like we have Just "TWO U.S. VOTES FOR BESH-NEZ" For President OF THE U.S.A.
President Want-A-Be John McCain just landed at The Sedona Airport and is on His Way To His Ranch, That is Just a Few Miles North of where I Have My Campaign Headquarters Tee-Pee Set Up, and I sure Hope The Men In Those Black Suits and the Dark Glasses Don't Show Up At My Door or Tee-Pee Flap !
So I Guess We Will Just "STUFF THE BALLOT BOX WITH SMOKEY"S AND DUKE-PILGRIM'S VOTE," Just Like The Big Boys in Washington D.C. Do !!!
Now We Have 4 Votes
OK Hondo;
Chilibill For President, so I will Throw My Great Grand Father's War Bonnet into The Ring !
But I will be useing my Indian Family Name "Besh-Nez" or in English "Long Knife." But I Don't think I would feel to Good about those $1500.00 Hair Cuts that Some of these Eastern Dudes have been getting !
Now All we need is $100,000,000.00 to Run On like the Rest Of Them !!!
Oh Yes and I will Need a $28,000,000.00 Gulfstream Jet to get me around in !
Hell I will Only Be 85 Years Old when I get though my 8 Year Term, and May Be One of You Young Bucks can Run As V.P. and take my place if I Croak in Office !
Below is a Picture of the New "Western White House."
Here is More Info. on
"Barack Hussein Obama"
After we did a Back-Ground Check on Him.
Stumpy, I Do Not Give a Dam about His Color, He could be Green for all I care, But I sure Care About His Politcal Views, and what it would mean for The U.S.
Here is a Little about His Back-Ground out of 5 Pages of Info. and it should Scare the Hell Out Of You!!!
Who would ever thought that we are only a Stones Throw from having a President with a Name Like "Barrack Hussein Obama Jr."
If I remember Right I think we had a Run-In with a "President Hussein" not long ago?
Not many people want to say anything about a Half Black and Half White Man becoming the Next President, that had a Black Musslim Kenyan Father from Africa, but I will, what are they Going To Do, Throw Me In Jail for the rest of my life?
I have gone though my 77 Years as a White Man and somtimes called a Half-Breed, because I am Half American Indian !
Now the Want- To- Be "President, Barrack Hussein Obama Jr." is running as a Black Man for President of the U.S.A. not as a Half Black and Half White or Half-Breed !!!
Now Why Is That, I Do Not Understand ?
Chilibill -
Well thats enough for me, now that it looks like McCain got it tied up, now that Rommey Dropped Out.
It was Bad Enough here before with all the Men in Black Suits Running around at the Airport Checking on everything, and in Town and over at McCain's Ranch that is about 3 Miles from my Place.
I think I will just Sell Out here in the Verde Valley and Move Full Time over to the 26 Bar Ranch where it is Nice and Quiet and Wide Open Country, and No Men In Black Running all over the Place !!!
Back in the first part of 1970s, at the 26 Bar Ranch, one of Duke's best Friends Sen. Barry Goldwater ask Duke if He would Run For President if ask?
Duke said in a Very Loud Voice,
"Hell Barry, I Can't Do That, I Can Afford The Cut In Pay!!!"
Chilibill -
You mean that We that are Going To Have "QUEEN HILARY THE FIRST ???"
I guess I will just have to Move Further Back in the Hills over at The 26 Bar Ranch and set up Shop at Duke's Old S.O.B. Line-Shack up in the High Country and with 500,000 Ac. it is Larger Than Some Countrys in Europe?
Chester and Stumpy;
You Both Hit The Nail Right On The Head !!!
Back when I was a Child in the 1930s and did not want to go to School because I did not feel good, Grandmother would Call Old Doc McQuin and He would come by the House to Check on Me, and then come by each day until I went Back to School. You will not Find that Anymore.
Stumpy; You are Correct about Attorneys, they are the Worst and Cause Most of The Problems in Todays World.
There Should be a Law on the Books for Doctors and Attorneys that if they cause the Death of Any One Unjustly They Should Be Shot At Dawn, I will Sign up for that Duty !!!
I will Drink To That.
Stumpy; You hit the Nail right on the Head ! I have not been this Sick sense I went Deep Sea Fishing out of Morro Bay, California back in the 1970s, over in Chester part of the country, so Move Over !!!