Posts from dukefan1 in thread „Movies That Make You Cry“

    A great choice, Jay. I love Somewhere In Time. Another one that wrecked my tear ducts was a 1983 movie titled Without a Trace, with Judd Hirsh and Kate Nelligan. The ending was very memorable.


    Ain't that the truth! I am also getting a little softer as I age. Movies rarely got me when I was in my 20's but now I find myself getting misty if the ending is happy or sad. The first movie I remember making me misty was called Without A Trace with Judd Hirsh and Kate Nelligan made in 1983. The movie was about a missing child and I balled my eyes out at the ending. My wife at the time thought I was losing it :stunned:.

    And I am with you SXViper. My kids can get me choked up easy now. Pride for them will do that.
