Posts from The Ringo Kid in thread „Politically correct insanity“

    I ran across this topic and it made me realize how much the government has gone out of its way to protect us from ourselves. We used to ride our bikes when we were kids without safety helmets or knee and arm pads; child protective car seats were unheard of; etc., etc.. We got along without these pretty much and survived.
    Does anyone remember the "Frito Bandito" or "my name is Jose Jimenez?" Too stereotyped for our sensitivities.:sad:
    The government is trying to insinuate itself into all aspects of our lives; but my bedridden wife is not eligible for medicaid or any number of supposed government programs because she is not "sick enough." GO FIGURE!!:glare: :headbonk:
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Hi Jay, I completely agree with ya and hear ya. I never heard of the Frito Bandito but I have heard (and seen) Bill Dana playing Jose Jiminez on the Bill Dana Show-which will probably never see air time again. :glare: Anyway, I thought his Jose Jiminez character was great and I had not had a great laugh in a looonnnggg time as when I saw his show. I think it used to be played on A&E and was shown (in re-run, of course) about 20 years ago.