Posts from chester7777 in thread „Across The Pond“

    Boy I sure do miss John Candy's brand of comedy. .

    Did you ever catch him on SCTV? Early in our marriage, the Mrs. and I used to stay up WAY too late on a Saturday night to watch him and the rest of the crew (Eugene Levy, Joe Flaherty, Rick Moranis, Andrea Martin, Catherine O'Hara) on SCTV. It was so full of commercials, it was annoying (that was in the days before we owned a video recorder - they were WAY too expensive). Then, back in '81 (imagine an old creaky voice here), we bought our first video camera and recorder for almost 2 grand, a big clunky camera with a big clunky recorder hanging on your side, but at least we could finally record TV shows! Although the impetus to get the whole shebang was our first child, then 18 months old - we HAD to have home movies of her, and the others to follow!!

    And of course, when we watched SCTV, we could speed through the commercials! ! !

    Chester :newyear: And the Mrs. :angel1:

    Plus: Was theirs but became ours: Cary Grant, Bob Hope, Errol Flynn, Frank James (Gary) Cooper, Michael J. Fox, William Shatner, Paul Hogan, John Belushi and so many others. Mel Gibson counts as an ours-theirs and back to ours.


    Some of these were not from the UK. Gary Cooper was born in Montana, though he did spend 7 years in England as a child. Michael J. Fox and William Shatner are Canadian, and John Belushi is (was) American through and through, as near as I can tell by reading his IMDb bio. Mel Gibson, though born in the US, spent most of his growing-up years in Australia (his mother's homeland). Paul Hogan is another Australian.

    Bob Hope is a great example, though, as he was born in the UK, though came to this country when he was 5 years old.

    Cary Grant is a definite born there, became ours!

    Mrs. C :angel1:


    I'm not a huge fan of Michael Caine, but he was very good in Second Hand Lions.

    My wife saw Michael Caine on stage in New York city in the seventies, in the Anthony Shaffer play Sleuth, which she enjoyed immensely. He was in the movie of the same name, and according to IMDb, the film has been remade AGAIN and is in post production.

    Chester :newyear:

    John Thaw- Inspector Morse has become an institution but my personal favourite of his is 'Goodnight Mr Tom' a truely brilliant programme.

    Robbie, this is a little off the topic (I can't think of more actors/actresses from the UK aside from the ones already mentioned), but I am curious about Goodnight, Mr. Tom, as I am reading the book right now. Is this a TV program or a movie? I'm really enjoying the book.

    Mrs. C :angel1: