Posts from DukePilgrim in thread „Hollyweird“

    One gem of knowledge that I trawled from an autobiography of Robert De Niro was that only ONE Martin Scorsese has ever made a profi!!

    That film was Goodfellas which although violent was well made.

    The reason he is allowed to continue to direct is that studios and moguls seem to take some prestige in having a Scorese movie on their slate.

    The likes of Casino, Mean Streets, Taxi Driver & Raging Bull are so depressing depraved & violent that you wouldnt want to see them.

    The remake of Cape Fear was a pigs arse violent cartoon version of the original.

    New York New York a musical was totally crap

    Funny all those movies starred De Niro a seriously mixed up person!!

    Aviator on Di Caprio as Howard Hughes was a major let down

    Gangs for New York with Di Caprio I watched with reservations (extremely violent) but wasnt too bad but no way could you watch it in a family setting.

    His latest Departed with Di Caprio was as Robbie says an oscar to a man in his early 60s with loads of health problems.

    I notice he is slated to do a movie with Di Caprio as a young Teddy Roosevelt next year and a film about The Rolling Stones (no guesses for what it will be like).

    In regard to violent movies Hollywood will learn the only way they respond through poor box takings that the kind of violent depraved movies they are making dont make money.

    Look through a list of the 100 top grossing movies and you will see what I mean.
