Posts from SXViper in thread „Anyone still have an active drive-in theater in their area?“

    Has anyone seen the new movie trailer for "Grindhouse"? Its kind of a tribute to the 70's "B" movies and mimics some of the stuff you might have seen in a drive-in during that era. I for one am not a fan of those types of movies but it made me think of this topic when I saw the trailer. Its actually 2 movies and one of them has Kurt Russell in it.
    The movies were directed by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. That will probably be all most of us will need to know to stay away from the movie but I thought it was of interest to bring up in this topic.

    The only one that I ever knew of in our area closed in around 1982. I remember going to a couple movies with girlfriends in highschool. In fact the last movie I saw at a drive in was "Flashdance"!!! I went just for the girl I was dating, that was for sure. I haven't seen the movie since then nor do I plan on it!!!