Posts from Stumpy in thread „Anyone still have an active drive-in theater in their area?“

    Yeah, Jim, he could be a hoot!

    Here's a typical Joe Bob column.

    If you google Joe Bob Briggs, it brings up several sites that pertain to him. The first one, if I remember correctly, is his personal web site, which contains an archive of columns. As I said, many of them are absolutely hilarious.

    I seem to recall that Joe Bob suffered the same fate as the Imus guy who just got bounced. He wrote something in a column that was politically incorrect, upset the wrong "victim" group, and the Dallas Times Herald decided to drop his column. Which is when I stopped reading the Herald, since the only reason I ever read that left-wing rag anyway was to get a big laugh from Joe Bob's columns.

    Twenty-five or so years ago the family and I lived near Dallas (TX). One of the Dallas newspapers had a columnist who called himself Joe Bob Briggs, "Drive-In Movie Critic", who appeared on a regular basis. (If I remember correctly, the guy's real name was John Bloom.)

    Anyway, "Joe Bob" was hilarious in his description of various movies appearing in Dallas drive-ins of that period. Although I think Bloom was actually a pretty sophisticated guy, he adopted an exaggerated "good-old boy", down-home persona in writing his columns. Sounded like one of the worst rednecks you ever saw or heard of. Anyone else ever remember reading any of Joe Bob's columns.