Posts from kilo 6 in thread „Anyone still have an active drive-in theater in their area?“

    There was a time when there were 15 Drive Ins in a 30 square mile area where I live and another twenty in the interior of the Province. Now there is only one in my area and 4 others in the interior. The local one runs from March to Mid November showing two first run films 6 nights a week at 9 & 11 pm, three on Saturdays and long weekends. They have swap meets sat and sundays. Admission is $11 reg kids 5-12 $7 seniors $8:50.
    Tues reg is $8:50 and Thursdays a carload of up to 5 people is $25. I went fairly ofton when I was younger but have not gone to one in years. This thread has made me decide to go back at least once with any of our kids who are willing so they can have the experience. Won't be the same as going with a date of course but will give them a taste.