Posts from Lt. Brannigan in thread „Pet Peeves“

    Well I'm almost double the ages you posted so I guess I don't have a whole lot of time left to haul ass either.

    I was gonna make a dumb joke, then I realized that in this context it makes no sense whatsoever...

    Anyway, I can't justify (if I had the funds of course) spending $3,000 for a TV set (like Tom spent and to each his own) and like Stumpy, would rather have a vehicle to drive and enjoy. .

    I much rather get a bunch of DVD's that equal up to that price rather than spend it all on one item. I want one but I much prefer getting new movies.


    I'll probably resist anything new until I'm force to do otherwise.

    Yeah... I am usually the same way, but hey I got on the DVD bandwagon in just 4 years! they debuted in 1997, I got my first DVD player when it was on sale for $100 in 2000, and got my first DVD movies in 2001.

    Bah humbug! PC-ness is for wimps who don't want to take a stand for what the believe in. I will never be politically correct... until I am deceased.

    Taxes, per se, rank right up there with politicians and lawyers on my personal "hate" list. IMO, most taxes ain't nothin' but legalized extortion. And pols who impose such duties are the extortionists. Which is why I hate to see news articles like this.

    I do quite a bit of shopping on the 'net and one of the main reasons is because most such transactions are now tax free. But if the clowns in Washington change the rules, I'll do much less internet shopping because it would remove a major incentive to do so.

    I swear if they tax me any more.... I will clam them as dependants.... What right does the government have to take my money?!?!?! They do diddly for me, and every year they take away more of my ammendments!

    Gas is outrageous, thankfully the shopping center is really close. That place of evil is a place only go when I have struck out at finding DVD's.

    I think there are movies that benefit greatly from CGI and with just the right amount have become awesome movies/franchises. Example, "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy is simply in my book a awesome series and "Spiderman" and "Spiderman 2" are done quite nice and without CGI these films would never have been made. I agreee it can go overboard, but it can be used wisely as well.

    There's no doubt about about that, LOTR is one of my favorite fantasy series. But the point I was trying to get across was that while the CGI was done beautifully in those movies you listed many more do it poorly and it's quite blatantly obviously that it's CGI.

    Legend of Zorro should have not needed one digital stunt double whatsoever.... but they did it anyway and brother let me tell you I haven't seen CGI that poor since and irritating since Sky Captain.

    Hi Brannigan, you left one out. Take your family to see the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie.:glare: Have about a half a dozen teenage girl Johnny Depp fans :stunned: sit behind you. Hear them ooh and aah and oh my god there he is!!!!!!!! If I would have had about a one foot long water hose.....:mad:

    .... If wasn't on the list at the site I didn't comment on it.

    I think I will comment on some of these...

    - People who talk during movies
    These people deserve to be kicked out of the theatre

    - people talking on cell phones in the movies
    Oh how I despise these people, I pay my 20 bucks for tickets and food and they want to talk throughout the whole &)&*&)#@! movie...

    - People who ask questions during movies
    :glare: Jackasses ruined my watching of Godzilla (1998) with questions such as.... "Is this Godzilla?" right after the title screen and about 100,000,000 times throughout the movie

    - Cell phones ringing at the movies
    I truly hate cell phones, but they are sadly a necessary evil... but for Pete's sake... turn the dang things off!

    - sequels of stupid movies
    Here's looking at you, Garfeild, and every other Horror franchise

    - no free movies
    ???? :yeaahh: I don't understand this one

    - bAD mOVIES
    Hello most of today's movies

    - price of food at the movies
    That's where the theatre makes their profit, but I still don't like it.

    - people kicking my chair in the movies

    You kick my my chair I kick your ass... I go to the movies to enjoy myself not get an ass kicking from some moron...

    - People who take their babies and small children to the movies.
    Babies do not, I repeat, DO NOT belong in at the cinema!

    - Old movies being remade.
    One thing I would like to point, is that all stories that could told have been told and one can only change a few details, so eventually you will notice that every movie has been made about 10 times apiece. Especially those freaking horror movies

    - cgi stunts in movies
    Legend of Zorro suffered from this greatly.... I want real people not stupid CGI junk

    - Movies that don't start on time because they are hoping for more viewers to show up
    This has never happened to me....

    - too many farts in kid's movies these days
    But flatulence is funny....