Posts from DakotaSurfer in thread „Legacy Fades Into the Sunset“

    No one respects history anymore... historical societies are having a hard time find money and the people to back restoration. In most cases it too expensive. Where I come from we have a house even old than the Duke's old house... Laura Ingalls Wilder's old homestead in DeSmet, South Dakota. It's been preserved as I imagine The Duke's house is. You can walk through it and see some of the old furniture they had back then. The problem with most people is we have become a disposable society. We buy things cheap so when it breaks we just toss it away and buy new. Buying this cheaply made crap from China instead of employing Americans, paying a little more for quality and making things here that would last longer.

    I say we revolt... grab the muskets and canons and lets do an old fashioned 60's sit-in on the property. Why not move the house somewhere... where it could be maintained and maybe have tours. I surprised the family didn't think of that as another way to make money.

    I guess it a way that makes WInterset even more precious... especially since it will never go away.