Posts from Lt. Brannigan in thread „Random Observations“

    Preferably much, much sooner.

    What's REALLY going to upset me is if the news stories that she'll make big bucks telling her story comes true.

    Caylee was the most adorable-looking little princess I ever saw and it just makes me sick to my stomach to think her killer will go free.

    From what I have seen in the way people have reacted, I don't think she will get much.

    Something is fishy. This evening I received (via UPS) my DVD "The Happy Years" (Dean Stockwell), along with 8 other titles I ordered from (I think) Warner Brothers. Imagine my surprise when I saw the shipping label on the box and the return address was 900 N. Rohlwing Road, Itasca, Illinois.
    I did a double-take because I knew that was also the address of Deep Discount DVD, from which many of us have ordered DVDs. Are Warner, TMC and DDDVD all connected?


    I think that address is for a multi company fulfillment center.

    Now I feel very dumb as well..... my apologies Keith.

    This is how I feel exactly... Except that it's getting harder to find exactly what I am after so most of my shopping is online.

    I'm cognizant of the fact that few people are as interested in politics as I am but folks, when you give it some thought, you'll realize that politics (meaning politicians, policies, etc) have more influence on our lives than anything else and if you just ignore what happening in the political world, pretty soon we'll all be in deep doo-doo.

    I am not ignorant about what happens in the political world, but I don't care to immerse myself in it either.


    Let me rephrase my original comment - what I meant to say was that I had always thought newspaper reporting was supposed to be objective.

    In that case, I too have to admit that I thought newspapers were meant to be objective.
    I could actually understand more if I read that article all the way through instead of just wading into the fray, and for that I apologize.


    I had assumed that the news content in newspapers had always been objective and now I learn my assumption was wrong.

    I learned a long time ago that objective reporting is an ancient and outdated concept.

    I have got rid of most of my VHS, but that's only cause I have them on DVD already. I never watch VHS anymore cause some of the tapes are irreplaceable and I don't want them to get torn up, so until I get a device to transfer them to DVD that's compatible with Vista (The devil incarnate) they are in storage.


    But having said that, I am of the opinion that unproven accusations by a 16-year-old girl, whom Texas child protective authorities have not even been able to identify or question, does not justify forcibly separating more than 400 kids from their mothers.

    This is true, there was not enough for them to do what they did.