Posts from itdo in thread „John Wayne Picture Game #10“

    1st MAN: "Hey - is this where John Wayne lives? The great Injun-fighter? The guy who shot up Geronimo's whole tribe from a buckin' stagecoach?"

    JOHN WAYNE: "Yep, that's right, par'dner."

    2nd MAN: "The man who tamed Cochise in "Fort Apache"? The man who drove away the pony herd in "Yellow Ribbon" from Red Shirt? Who took the Apache camp by surprise in "Rio Grande"?"

    JOHN WAYNE: "You said it, Mister."

    3nd MAN: "The man who took Scar's scalp? The man who shot all them Injuns dead in the Comanchero camp?"

    JOHN WAYNE: "All right, that's me."

    1st MAN: "Then how come you let an Indian girl sneak up behind you and steal your colt while we're talkin? Ha-ha-ha!"