Posts from Cindyrella in thread „John's marriages“


    Thank you for the pics. With the help of this site I have started learning more about, John Wayne, the man.

    I ordered some books from the library, two of which came in today. They have some really nice pictures of JW and his family.

    As I ponder the stories shared about JW and his wives, what stands out to me is, that even though he was famous, he was still a man with the needs and hopes of most men. He wanted to provide well for his family, especially after the hardships he experienced growing up. He also wanted to just be one of the guys, and do things with his buddies. It's obvious to me that he loved making movies. It is hard for me to place the blame of the failed marriages on him. And I can't know exactly what his wives felt. Or his children, for that matter. What I do believe is it comes down to people allowing other's to be themselves, and not taking things so personally when someone does things that make it appear as if they don't care as much as they should. There's always room for improvement in our lives. And in John's case, I think it's true, he needed a wife that would be his buddy, as Pat was. A woman who'd love him unconditionally, and who could put his needs before her own. Maybe that sounds old fashioned, but, isn't that how true love is supposed to be? Pat saw JW and loved him in her own way, and that was what he needed.

    Wow, this is a lot more information than I had hoped for...Poor John. He had so many women at his feet but obviously never knew what real love was. Unless he found it with his third wife. Guess it's as hard to find a strong, sensitive, unselfish and patient woman, as it is to find that in a man. In my mind the worst thing one can do is marry a person before you really know them. The second worst thing is claiming to love someone, then, trying to change them. That's a contradiction. I believe marrying one's best friend gives the best chance of having a lasting love affair that will carry you into the rocking chair years. Once beauty fades, if it's only skin deep, and you cannot enjoy just talking for hours, or sitting together not talking, you have nothing. That's my sermon for the

    And thanks for the info on the book...That's next on my shopping list.

    Now for another question. Are there any photo's of JW and his wives? Just curious what they looked like.

    Thank you for the information, Jim. As long as I have been a fan of John Waynes', there's so much I don't know about him. Seems like I have struck pay dirt in finding this site. What a wonderful thing to find a place where people share their love and adoration for this great man called, "The Duke."

    Thanks again,


    I am new here so not sure where I should ask this question. Does anyone know why John Wayne's first two marriages ended? Just curious because I cannot imagine a woman ever walking away from such a man. He has been my hero and favorite actor my entire life. In my eyes, he could do no wrong.