Posts from chester7777 in thread „Barbara Walters Interview With The Duke?“


    Was that the "complete" interview or the same one that has been around that is only part of the interview.

    It's not the complete interview. But if you go here, and scroll down a little, you can click on the Barbara Walters interview. It is still not the complete one, but there are definitely some parts that are different - just a little overlap. Worth watching/listening to.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Wow! I really loved what he said about speaking his mind, and to h*** with the liberal media. I think it was funny that Barbara Walters thought he should keep things to himself because of how influential he might be. Look at all the Hollywierd stars nowadays who think they SHOULD speak out because of their 'influence.'

    But sad to see him so thin, and know that shortly after this interview, he was gone . . . :cry2:.

    Mrs. C :angel1: