Posts from Kcat in thread „Anyone here besides me watched or likes: The Rat Patrol?“

    Why not? is correct. And the answer is, is because were fans of theirs. I know it might sound silly but, when I was much younger, I often thought what "could be" if one thought about a deceased person that if while thinking about them, that person would somehow know you were doing so?

    One of the last sermons I went to, this was discussed and the Preacher ended his sermon with letting one for their own opinion on what "might be."

    Yes, I do believe life is eternal. I remember something that happened a few years ago. I had finished reading The Duke's daughter's book "John Wayne, My Father" by Aissa Wayne.

    I'm not a religious person, but I am spiritual, and I had the strongest impression The Duke wanted prayers for his daughter. I promptly said them, and then wrote her a little note congratulating her on her book and wishing her well. I told her what I experienced and said I had put her first name on prayer lines, and I hoped this was okay with her. I guess it was as she remained silent, but I can tell you, I honestly felt The Duke is very concerned for her and all his family and he seems to want people to include them in our prayers when it feels appropriate.

    I also had the impression that The Duke is well and fine and strong and healthy in Heaven.


    Im glad to see all this discussion about Christopher George and I had not known any of what was said about him and his family.

    He sure was a great actor and I bet he is reading our postings about him.

    Rest in Peace Chris.

    I agree! No doubt Christopher George and The Duke are having a high old time of it in Heaven! Like you mention here, I bet he somehow reads what we say here, too, and The Duke right along with him. That is, if they care to engage in such earthly things. Why not?


    She quit acting after his death, I would imagine to spend more time with their 2 children. She remarried in 95, and lives in California.

    Thank you!

    So they had kids! Boy, girl, what? How are they doing, do you know?
    Did any of the kids go into acting? My heart goes out to all of them; George dying so young, though he bravely went on with his life, doing as his heart guided him, rather fearlessly right up until he died. There really isn't any other way to live, is there?! But for Lynda (does she spell her name with a "y"?) and their children to lose him like that! I hope they are all doing really well, bless them.


    His fatal 1983 heart attack stemmed from a 1967 mishap on the set of The Ratt Patrol. While filming a chase scene, George's jeep flipped over, pinning the actor underneath the vehicle. George sustained a cardiac contusion; scar tissue that never healed subsequently developed.

    That poor man. And his family! To lose someone you love so young! I'm really sorry about this. Thank you for bringing light to a painful mystery.

