Posts from DukePilgrim in thread „"Westworld" remake“

    Clooney I cant just take too. Tim Robbins the only movie I remember him being in was the prison one that went on and on and on forever. Sean Penn wasn't he Mr Madonna Mark 1 or something?

    Tom Cruise he knows how to work a crowd and he has made some decent movies made some crap ones too but that cult he is linked up to well he must have more money than sense or he has left his brain out in the sun.


    Hi Jay

    When you consider the original movie is coming upto 35 year old. One of Crichton's first movies.

    As long as they dont let Spielberg play with remake they should be okay.


    The original was a small movie which hit big because it was so different.

    Admittedly, with bigger budget and better special effects it has the potential to be a better movie but dont be surprised if they make mess of it like War of the Worlds were you had no connection to the characters and could not care less about them.
