Posts from E-P Hoffman in thread „New Movie Discussion“

    I never thought that Jim Carey was funny to begin with. I watched some film of his where he was a State Trooper of somekind and saw nothing funny in this movie.

    Adam Sandler I can laugh at--but not very much.

    Boy I sure do miss the likes of funny guys like: The Three Stooges, Abbott & Costello, Martin and Lewis, Buster Keaton & Harold Lloyd--to name a few.

    It may be because they actually had talent:wink_smile:


    Sounds like a great idea.

    The wife and I just saw "Pirates 3" and we enjoyed it. It sure didn't seem like almost 3 hours. The end kind of made us mad, but what can you do?

    We don't go see that many though, for what it cost to go see one we generally wait for them to come out DVD and it doesn't cost any more that what it would cost to go out to one, and if we like it we can watch it more than once and if not it's off to e-bay with it.